


教育公平的大学英语作文 1

Educational equality, also referred to as equality in education, is a measure of achievement, fairness, and opportunity in education,according to . The growing importance of education equality is based on the premise that now, more than ever before, an individual’s level of education is directly correlated to the quality of life he or she will live in the future. The issue of educational equality has become more and more significant nowadays with the rapid development of our economy and it has been put forward in governmental occasions several years before.

Educational equality is dependent on two main factors. The first is fairness, which implies that factors specific to one’s personal conditions should not interfere with the potential of academic success. The second important factor is inclusion, which refers to a comprehensive standard that applies to everyone in a certain education system. These two factors are closely related and are dependent on each other for true academic success of an educational system.

The pursuit of fairness in education is a significant issue in China. The Communist Party was born to bring fairness to China. It promoted egalitarianism with some success, though at a poor level of nominal equality, and Chinas inequality of education remains a major challenge despite its overall improvement of education service. Deputies to the National Peoples Congress, Chinas top legislature, must assume responsibility in safeguarding the nations education, and they must be held accountable. Our leaders must become more aware and act professionally within the present political system. It is fundamental for the health of the next generation.

Transforming schools into truly egalitarian institutions requires a holistic and long-drawn approach. However,kids need us to fix our education system now. With a focus on expanding education options for parents and spending our education founding wisely, we can overcome the barriers that exist today in education and give every child a fighting chance for success.

教育公平的大学英语作文 2

People, often so, get things do not know how to cherish, once lost only know precious. So, in the long life, how many people sing like this sigh: What is done cannot be undone, too late to regret.

Sunshine, rain and dew, birds and flowers, fair to everyone; Joy and joy, trouble and sorrow, are each mans own. Life is always beautiful. Not too much distress, but we do not understand life; Not too little happiness, but we do not understand. People do not have to get a lot, a bunch of beautiful flowers, a knowing smile, a concerned greeting, a light tenderness, a sympathetic regret, a drop of sincere tears. For everyone, is extremely valuable wealth. Have and know how to cherish, so that between love and hate, right and wrong, gain and loss, there is a spacious road. Speechless smile tells me: good sentiment, persistent pursuit of life, will not wither because of the invasion of wind and rain, will not be indifferent because of the passage of time!

Spring will come again, flowers will bloom again. However, the things you have do not know how to cherish, once lost, only know regret, lament regret, after all, it is too late. When the source of life no longer flows out of that kind of spiritual life implication, a wounded heart returns with regret to the lonely heart house it has built for a long time, opens the door of missing, and examines itself in the silent silence, like a traumatized goat in the wilderness, hiding in the nest deep in the cliff, licking the bleeding wound. In this world, only we ourselves are the protagonists of our lives, only we can push ourselves, change ourselves, create ourselves. One can guess the flood somewhat from the trace left by the tide, but after all, one does not see the surging which the trace shows! Time is fleeting, every stage of life, every detail of life is worth us to cherish, to applaud the ordinary world, to do some ordinary things, so that life can be surpassed and eternal. Have life, cherish kindness, ambition is the road and, generous to help others, generous to treat others, then life will be as bright and open as a flower.

"Love and hatred on both sides, success or failure for the name, who can be sure of spring, summer, autumn and winter, ups and downs always want love." Have and know how to cherish, this is a happy and beautiful life.

There is no deep blue sky can have the graceful white clouds; There is no magnificent sea can have the elegant stream; There is no field fragrance can have grass green!

There is no room for bystanders in life, we can always find our own place, our own light, our own voice

教育公平的大学英语作文 3

In the past, in order to change the current situation of the low proportion of rural students going to college, and block the trend of social class solidification and poverty transmission between generations, the state has introduced a series of new policies for education, such as supporting the enrollment cooperation plan in central and western regions, and the special plan for targeted enrollment in poor rural areas, to effectively increase the proportion of rural children going to college. In recent years, more and more rural students have entered universities, especially key universities.

But unfortunately, the increase in the proportion has not fundamentally solved the dilemma of rural children. On the one hand, because the quality of higher education and the return on education are not high, there are still a considerable number of rural students choose to work as early as possible, and would rather go to the big cities to do "north drift" and "upper drift", rather than participate in the college entrance examination. On the other hand, many of the rural students who enter the university are stuck in the dilemma of choosing a career when they graduate. Due to the lack of social relations and entrepreneurial channels, the employment path is narrower than that of urban children. Back home, and some unwilling, but also need to re-adapt to become the "sandwich layer group" between the city and the countryside.

This also reminds us that social justice requires equality of outcome and, more importantly, equality of opportunity. In the field of education, educational equity, as a systematic project, requires equity in every link of the entire education chain, including the distribution of high-quality educational resources, the proportion of rural and urban students entering key universities, and equal access to employment opportunities. From a more macro point of view, it is more important to let rural children become talented and provide a fair stage throughout the whole process of growth than to provide special attention only in the process of college entrance examination.

How to provide a fair stage for rural children throughout their growth? First of all, it is necessary to break the dual pattern of urban-rural division of education, promote the equalization of the allocation of high-quality education resources, increase investment in rural basic education, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and between regions as soon as possible, so that rural students do not lose at the "starting line", and do not lose the entire basic education link before the college entrance examination. At the same time, it is necessary to provide more equitable employment opportunities for rural students, change the situation of "fighting father" and "fighting relationship" in employment competition, improve the system construction of fair competition, strengthen the employment guidance of rural students, reduce the education cost and the risk of failure of rural children to the greatest extent, and improve the return on education investment. Of course, as soon as possible to build vocational education and general higher education, graduate education between the overpass of talent growth, encourage rural students to choose a more suitable growth path according to their own interests, diversified talent, is also an important aspect of education equity. After all, the more profound meaning of "providing fair education for everyone" is "providing suitable education for everyone." After graduation, rural children are encouraged to build the "future of China" in that village while realizing their own value.

"Education is the great instrument of human equality, and it has done far more than any other human invention." Providing fairness in the complete education chain for rural children can not only bring more growth dividends for rural students, but also contribute to the development of the whole society and the whole country. Because, behind every rural child, there is a family eager to get rid of poverty, tied to a vast land, tied to the future of rural China.

教育公平的大学英语作文 4

I remember that when I was still in kindergarten in the township, I always looked at my brothers and sisters who were well off and studied in the street. I wish I could have such a chance.

With the hard work of grandparents and parents, our family bought a house in Nanyuan community, because of this, I naturally became a first-grade student of Jiefang Road Primary School in Sheyang County.

When I read the kindergarten class in the township, I always heard the neighbors uncles and aunts say that the students in the township would be bullied by their classmates in the street and looked down on by their teachers, and if they wanted to learn well, they would give gifts to their teachers. But when I was in the first grade, I saw something completely different. As soon as the semester began, the head teacher said in the class that two weeks later, the class began to organize "class cadre election." Two weeks later, began to choose class cadres, not the legendary teacher selection, but their own initiative to sign up and then the students voted. Only three students in the class take the initiative to recommend themselves, the teacher put three peoples names on the serial number, the students put their choice of the serial number on the paper, in the box on the platform, finally, by the teacher with the "positive" word statistical results, the results came out, when the teacher called the monitor "Pan Jing" two words, I was very excited, I thought I was dreaming. Im not dreaming. I was actually elected class president.

This monitor is not so good when, the teacher told me every day to fair distribution of play space, fair division of personal cleaning scope

When I read the kindergarten class in the township, I always heard the neighbors uncles and aunts say that the schools homework on the street was scary, and the students had no time to play. Thats not really the case. When I was in the first and second grade, I didnt need to do pen work at night when I went home, as long as I read books or read books on my own; In third and fourth grade, I finished my homework in 30 minutes at night. I am now a fifth grade student, homework is not much. During the school day, the school also organized a variety of extracurricular activities, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon recess activities are the most happy time for me and my classmates, under the teachers organization, we not only exercise our ability in the game activities and learn a wealth of knowledge.

When I read the kindergarten class in the township, I always heard the neighbors uncles and aunts say that the students in the street did not have weekends, and they went to the teachers home to make up the lessons on weekdays and holidays. I studied in Jiefang Road primary School for more than four years, taught me a lot of teachers, never that one teacher let me go to their home for tutoring. My weekend time has my own arrangement, I like singing and dancing since childhood, I discussed with my parents, and asked them to give me two interest classes in Sheyang County Cultural Center, one weekend, I and my good friends to cultivate their own interests, my vocal music and dance in this summer vacation have successfully passed the provincial primary school group grade 9 assessment. I also use the weekend time to help the family do some housework, and now I can basically do housework, grandpa and grandma can like to eat the tomatoes I do scrambled eggs

For more than four years, I study very easily every day in Jiefang Road primary School in Sheyang County, and spend every day happily!

Do you know where I got this great education? Yes, it is from Jiangsu Province experimental school Sheyang County Jiefang Road Primary School, to solve a small group of hard gardeners who teach according to law.

教育公平的大学英语作文 5

I am a second grade student in primary school. Every time I see my neighbors mother-in-law, they say that I am a polite and dutiful child. Today I can get everyones love is entirely due to my parents, especially my mother! In my babble learning language, is the mothers patient teaching. When I became involved in bad habits, it was my mothers sincere advice to help me correct. When I got to 100, my mother was so excited that she shed tears and did not forget to tell me: "Yangyang, you are so great, but you cant be proud of your achievements, and you must continue to work hard!" When I encountered difficulties and wanted to give up, she said: "Nothing in the world is difficult, if you have a heart, you must find a way to solve the difficulties, mom believes you can do it!"

After kindergarten, I like my mother to tell me stories before going to bed, used to love to listen to fairy tales, and then, one day, my mother said to me that we are Chinese people can not listen to the fairy tales of foreigners, but also look at our own traditional stories. Then he took out a beautiful and heavy book to me to see, haha, the results of the above three words just happened to be I recently learned - "three-character classic".

She first told me the story of "Dou Yanshan five sons". At that time, I did not understand, but in later learning I understood that my mother was not only telling me stories, she was also on the ground. Every time I study, my mother is strict with me, dont let me muddle through. Whenever I tried to get away with it, she found it like a fire eye, and I had to study hard again. Although, I sometimes feel very depressed, but also understand that this is the mothers love! Love includes: teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy. Although my mother is strict with my study. However, in addition to study life, she is my best friend, she watches cartoons with me, plays b***ton with me, skateboards with me and listens to the most popular songs. On weekends, she often takes me to the movies, we play games together, chat and tell jokes together...

"Melt four years old, can make pears. A younger brother is better than a prophet." This sentence also comes from the "Three-character Classic", meaning: "The Han Dynasty Kong Rong knew at the age of four that he should give the big pear to his brother, and this kind of respect and love for his brother is the truth that everyone should know from a young age." Reading the "Three-character classic", I feel deeply, unconsciously the words and deeds of the book has been engraved in my heart.

Once, my mother gave me a few pears and let me share them with everyone, I didnt think about it, I gave the big one to my grandparents and my brothers and sisters, and when everyone got it, I took the smallest one to eat. Mother smiled and stroked my head and said, "What a good boy!" I said: "Kong Rong four years old can make pears, I am five years old, I think Kong Rong is much better behaved than me, I also need to learn more!" When my mother heard this, she smiled even sweeter.

It is because of your selfless love and meticulous care that I can become a polite, filial and studious child. My life can become colorful and carefree. Mom, you have worked hard, I love you, you are the best mother in the world!

教育公平的大学英语作文 6

Some people say, "Mouth can do good things, create great things; But its also a weapon that can destroy everything. A word of encouragement with positive and positive words will make people go forward in their life; A lie or criticism will push a person into the abyss and into depression!" . My mother is to speak praise words, never let the "mouth" criticism cover up the praise, so when I make mistakes, she always use praise to encourage me to go forward, want me not to criticize nor lie, brave to face themselves, she is the most set an example of the director of the soul, but also the most love me.

I am a rebellious period of children, at home often happen a word nine "top" situation, remember that day I watched a whole afternoon of TV, my mother could not bear to ask me: "Turn off the TV OK?" But I was fascinated to see, heard the mothers good words remind, do not want to immediately reply: "not good at all!" My good-tempered mother did not get angry because I did not care, or kindly advised me - go to bed early, do not "obsessed" with TV. At this time, I would be ashamed to turn off the TV, and immediately next to my mother whispered an apology! I held her to her, and said that the next time will not be, this is the way I communicate with my mother, but also the way my mother loves me.

When I did something wrong, she told me to face up to it, that it was human to do something wrong, but not to lie to cover it up. Remember once, my mother wanted me to grasp the time to do homework, but I took advantage of homework time to steal video games, and so she came back to review my homework, I looked nervous, hesitantly, my mother saw through my mind at a glance, she did not say much, only took the sheep children that story to me, I know my mother found my lies, just can not bear to uncover me! I bowed my head in silence, and my mother began to reason, telling me that a person who lies, not only does not know how to face himself, but also the people who care about him, will accomplish nothing in the future, which is not the attitude of self-responsibility! My mother never used harsh words to discipline me, but always used gentle ways to educate me, guide me, change me, and love me.

Mother with her love to educate me, with her life to love me, for me, she once asked for leave, accompany me through the most important growth period, her love is not as strong as the summer sun, dazzling, but like the winter sun a warm, pleasant, thank my mother for my strong but gentle love, I will remember you teach me the truth, brave to do the best yourself.

教育公平的大学英语作文 7

The ancients said: "Dyed in the pale is pale, dyed in yellow is yellow." "If you are close to a man, he will be black." All of this underscores the impact of the environment on people. The home is the first society that a child comes into contact with, so the environment of the family, the conduct of the parents and their education style will greatly affect the growth of a child.

My parents were ordinary farmers who did not provide me with great material wealth, nor did they have the privilege to pave my way. However, they use the quality of kindness, hard work imperceptibly affect me, this is a silent education. The long-term cultivation plays an important role in the formation of my ideas, codes of conduct and good habits.

From my parents, I learned diligence and rigor. I remember when I was little my parents would work for hours on end in the hot sun. Slowly, I grew up, my parents began to teach me to do something within my power. Summer vacation, I often wear shoes with my mother, although it is very hot, but can rely on their own labor harvest is still a very happy thing. Parents do not know what the truth, do not know how to educate me, can only practice to tell me some truth. My father, since childhood, has strictly required me to do everything well, even if it is difficult to do it all, and he himself is my best example. It is because of my fathers influence that I am now also strict with myself and strive to do the best thing I should do, and will not settle things carelessly.

In daily life, we should have a kind heart, to forgive, understand and help others. At all times, we should put morality first and harmony at the highest value.

On that day, my father and I were waiting for the car, the people in the queue were crowded together, the water was tight, but I got the last seat, the soreness after the exercise disappeared for a while, and those people who were crowded in the car were struggling to hold the hand, consuming physical strength. Halfway through, an old couple came up, and Dad got up and offered his seat. Their weak appearance made me feel pity, but fatigue made me unable to support my legs, but in the face of my fathers eyes, I still left the seat. Afterwards, my father told me to respect the old and love the young, give people roses, hands have lingering incense. People should trust and help each other, so that the society can be more beautiful.

Thank my family, thank my parents, long life, I will remember the parents teachings, with better results back to the family, return to society.

教育公平的大学英语作文 8

After reading this fable, my first impression was that the mother eagle taught her children to fly in a cruel way, pushing the young from their high nest and making them beat their wings desperately to stop their fall. I do not believe that all young eagles will learn to fly because the other possibility is death.

Therefore, I am even more glad that I am a human being. Human society is humanistic, and the education adopted cannot be so extreme. After all, adversity is also different from person to person, and not everyone is born to grow up in adversity. Of course, you have no right to blame others for not being strong enough, because many times a persons AQ (inverse frustration quotient) is determined by his genes, family and environment that he cannot control, so education should not only have patience, but also have a method. I often see some stories, about when a person is frustrated by a sarcastic others may save him, may also destroy him, the former because of unwillingness, have the motivation, in order to prove themselves and stand up again; And the latter, due to a heavier blow, completely lost hope and went to the end of the road. On the other hand, when a person is proud of someone elses praise, may encourage him to make him work harder, but also may make him lose himself because of complacency.

So education is really an important and difficult thing, and the premise of it is to understand these children. When you think about it, the great thinker and educator Confucius who advocated "teaching students according to their aptitude" more than 2,500 years ago was truly a stroke of genius. For example, two of his disciples, Zi Lu and Ran You, asked him the same question: "If you have heard a good idea, should you implement it immediately?" Confucius said to Zi Lu, "You have a husband and brother, how can you take matters into your own hands?" But he said to Ran You, "Of course it should be done at once!" The Duke of Huaxi was very puzzled, so Confucius explained, "Zi Lu is always reckless, so I must restrain him and make him cautious, but Ran You always flinched when he encountered something, so I must encourage him to do it boldly."

Talk so much, although I am not a teacher, but I also understand that different environments and education will create different people, "born my talent will be useful" is Li Bai said, but how to play the talent to the fullest, is the education of the day after tomorrow.

教育公平的大学英语作文 9

Education is indispensable in a persons life. A good education can make a person happy and successful all his life. If achievement is fish, education is water; If achievement is the bird, then education is the sky; If achievement is a galloping horse, then education is a vast land. So good achievement comes from education. So everyone wants to look for that education, I want to say: dont look, in fact, it has been in our lives, education is suffering!

Every time I listen to the passionate rhythm of the ninth Symphony, I will think of the music giant who gave full play to his talent in the tribulations - Beethoven. The young Beethoven was already famous and should have been content with his own life. Then a series of disasters broke everything that seemed perfect to him: his ears became deaf, and his girlfriend, who had fallen in love with him, also left. In the face of this double blow, Beethoven did not flinch, he opened his arms and fully accepted the baptism of the ordeal. This ordeal, so that he deeply realized the fickleness of life and the value of life, from then on he was not satisfied with his previous honors and flowers, but devoted himself to the creation of the cause. He will use the sweat to fill the suffering to teach him the value of life. Suffering - education, made him the greatest musician.

Remember that full of smoke and humiliation of the age? The burning of the Old Summer Palace in 1900, Nanjing during the Japanese War of aggression against China, the unequal treaties of Shimonoseki, Beijing and Nanjing... Can you remember those tragic images? Houses were burned, facilities bombed, and greedy robbers raised their swords against the suffering people. The planes in the sky dropped shells one by one, and the tanks on the ground knocked down houses one by one... When the smoke cleared, the streets were littered with homeless people. The invaders thought that the Chinese people had fallen since then, but to their surprise, they gave the Chinese people exactly the education - suffering.

In suffering, people learn how to fall down and get up again; Suffering, people learn how to self-improvement; In suffering, people learn how to resist; During the ordeal, people learned to use Western advanced technology to build our country; Suffering, people see their own shortcomings; Suffering, people find the way forward! Since then, the aggressors have never taken any advantage, and our people have become more and more brave after the baptism of suffering, and finally drove the aggressors back to their hometown. In spite of this, people have not forgotten this "education", but firmly step forward toward the goal, today, China has become an important superpower in the world, which is not due to the education - suffering?

Looking at it, one fresh example once again interprets the suffering of education: Yao Mings physical defects before he became famous, Helens darkness before she became a famous writer, and Zhu Yuanzhangs misery before he became emperor are not all examples? Therefore, let us use a students heart to face the suffering - the baptism of education!

教育公平的大学英语作文 10

On the road of life, we will encounter a lot of education, there are tests, there are tests, we are an educator, but also the best teacher. In my opinion, the best education is life

The road of life is not smooth sailing, there will always be some setbacks.

I remember once, my mother and I went to the bookstore to buy books. The bookstore is a very interesting place, the books in the bookstore are dazzling, there are story books, science and technology books, but also comic books My mother and I bought four books at a time. How happy we are! Back home, I cant wait to pick up the book to read.

After a while, we finished reading the book, my mother let me come back to eat, but my stomach has been hungry grunting, so I dont want to eat. But looking at it, I think my mother has gone far, but there is still a little time to come back, I had to say goodbye to the bookstore and go home with my mother.

Back home, I finished the meal, my mother gave me 10 yuan, my mother gave me the 10 yuan. At that moment, I felt as if a small hand had been placed in my pocket and I was home. I saw my mothers smile, my mothers wrinkles are a lot, and they are wrinkles, my mother smiled and asked me: "Are you not eating?" And I said, "Yes!" I put the ten yuan in my pocket.

At this time, my heart has a kind of unspeakable taste, because I never know to eat, I feel that I am a sensible child, I am also very happy to have such a good education of my mother to repay myself.

教育公平的大学英语作文 11

Last week, a section of math self-study, math teacher Wang told us a lot of words, do not like to listen to the students only think that is some nonsense, and can understand the teachers classmates think that this is the most wonderful passage in our life journey!

Although Wang teacher from the countryside, but his Mandarin is very standard, teaching experience is also very rich, the belly of the university can ask a lot. That day, Mr. Wang said a lot to us, and I think thats what he always wanted to say to us. Teacher Wang entered the classroom with a very heavy expression on his face and said with a slight frown; "Students, I think now I am in this class should not make you afraid! In the previous school where I worked, the students I taught were generally very afraid of me and ran away from me when they met, but the classmates and teachers there respected me very much and informed me when they listened to my class. I have been teaching for more than ten years, and I usually take junior high school students. But to come to this school, to teach the sixth form, is not respected!"

No respect from everyone? It is! We ignore the teachers teaching in class, give the teacher a nickname behind, even if every exam we did not test well, but also the teacher under a thousand Jun heavy pressure, but we do not have a little shame, think that this is not our fault. In the eyes of good ordinary people, such a "kind" approach is intolerable, and perhaps others will ask: "Where is your conscience?" Students who think this is boring will stick their tongues out at you and say, "Its none of your business!" He walked away; Students who can recognize their mistakes will blush, dont know what to say, and may mentally question themselves with this sentence.

Wang teacher also said a lot of, later said, the eyes red a large, the corner of something in the flash, I know the teacher can not shed tears in front of the students, said to the middle, Wang teacher gently wipe the corner of the eye is about to shed tears. See here, I feel so sad, teacher Wang for us to pay so much, and we report to him what? Was it just sheets of failed papers? I certainly didnt want that to happen, and I dont think the class did either. But can take action is not half of the class, how can we achieve the teachers wish? Despite the pain of his throat for us, his voice is still loud; He had already used four or five lesson books for us in less than half a semester; He corrects homework late into the night for us every day... And these efforts will also be rewarded in the awakening of more people.

The self-study class is over, but the teachers words are deeply imprinted in my mind, the teachers words let me learn to respect others, understand others, this is the most profound education for me!

教育公平的大学英语作文 12

After five days of discipline education, I feel a lot!

On the first day when I met the instructor, my heart was excited. As a student who had just entered Guangrailway No. 1 Middle School, I was full of curiosity about this school, and naturally felt that this was a challenging training.

In five days, we had a full and meaningful life, and at the end of the day, I really realized the importance of discipline education: we walked in a neat pace, Shouting loud slogans, as if you are me, I am you, our hearts have long been linked together. This makes us in the future days, become more united, deeply impressed: Class two is the best! Those four words.

In five days, we streamed countless sweat, sat down tired again and again, and exceeded our limits again and again, for the class we all stuck to it, which not only exercised our willpower, but also realized the importance of class honor, because we are part of the class!

I still remember the first day of discipline education, we did not know each other, looking at other peoples strange faces, I often feel lonely, but less than a morning I changed my mind, the students are enthusiastic, talkative, humorous...... After standing for a few hours, we "supported" each other back, after we chatted for a few minutes, I immediately knew: Lin Xinhao, Shi Yuze... At that time, I really feel how valuable friendship is!

In these five days, we experienced the general will of the military steel, from "flowers in the greenhouse" to a small soldier, really like "reborn" in general, although during this period, we thin, black, but we thin valuable, meaningful, all difficulties can not stop our determination to win, this will become an indelible memory in my life!

We will keep the spirit of discipline education firmly in mind, and do it in learning: do not give up, listen carefully, remember attentively, write frequently, think frequently, and work hard to complete the homework, and strive to achieve an excellent result worthy of the school, teachers, parents and themselves in the high school entrance examination after 3 years!

Discipline education, although over, but our never give up spirit, we will remember in the heart, remember in the heart!

教育公平的大学英语作文 13

The book "Love Education" uses the form of a diary to tell the story of a young boy named Anricos growth, recording what he saw and heard in school, family and society within a semester.

In this book, my favorite is "The father affair", "Noble Behavior" and "The Chimney sweep Child" these three sections. The first verse is about a fathers love for his son, Carlo, who calls Bettys father a "beggar." When Carlos father finds out, he insists that his son apologize to Betis father. Although Bettis father repeatedly refused, Carlos father insisted that his son apologize. From this, you can see what an honest man Carlos father is! His goal was to turn his son into a person who would care about others and not make fun of them. The second verse is about a cartridge that fell on the teacher because Carlo was humiliated. Finally couldnt stand it anymore, picked up the ink cartridge and threw it to those people, didnt expect to throw it to the teacher who just came in from the door, the result of Caron to help him take the blame, but the teacher knew it wasnt him, let the perpetrator stand up, asked them why they wanted to humiliate people, and then the teacher wanted to give some punishment to those who humiliated Cloxie. But Caron said something to the teacher, and the teacher let them go. This shows that Kahlon cares about others with a noble spirit, and has to forgive others and forgive others, which is a rare kind of human affairs. The third section wrote about a child who had lost more than 30 dollars he had worked hard to earn through a hole in his pocket. He was afraid that the master would beat him, and he was so afraid that he cried. Everyone sympathized with him and donated money to him one after another. He was very moved. Soon, it was well over $30. This matter I tell us that as long as everyone has love, it will certainly make more peoples life happy.

From this book let me understand that in life not only to have a sense of responsibility, but also to have tolerance and love.

教育公平的大学英语作文 14

Today, I saw Yu Dans special lecture on Gratitude Education for primary and secondary School Students, and suddenly realized that learning is very important, but more important than learning is to learn to be grateful and learn to be a man! Thank you, me and him, for putting happiness in your pocket.

In fact, I now unapologetically accept the infinite love of the elders, but forget their duty - gratitude. Ive pushed gratitude out of my heart and stared at infinite love. Of course, seeing Yu Dan teachers "primary and secondary school students gratitude education" special lecture, I realized that I was wrong. When I want others to give, I dont touch my gratitude, just like the story of teacher Yu Dan. The girl is watching TV. Her mother hurt her hand and showed it to her. She pushed her mother away and said, "Dont bother me watching TV!" This one we think is a trivial detail, but it hurts what we like most. Mom, in fact, you can change the way, gently blow the mothers wound, ask if it hurts? In fact, there are many such small actions, thought-provoking. We have a lot of cases like this. Mothers nagging and fathers stern, is born for whom? In everyones heart, there is a strict father and a loving mother, I am no exception. My mother always followed my temperament, and so did my nagging. She comforted me when I was sad, encouraged me when I failed, and my mother suffered more than I did when I was hurt. My father wont talk to my mother. Its the same, but that stern look is a sign of love. I still remember that day, I was bullied many times by a boy. Father couldnt stand it. On Friday, my father approached him and his parents to deal with the matter. I used to think they didnt care about me and even lost their temper. (Its ridiculous to think about it now. I want to thank my dear parents for giving birth to me, raising me, and taking care of me. Without you, there would be no me.

I also thank the people who educated me, who helped me, who hurt me...

Thank you, he and I, there is still a long way to go, there are many to experience, first learn to be grateful again.

教育公平的大学英语作文 15

I think its funny, you always win this plaque, and that plaque baby sometimes has no history. Just saying it! Heres a cut bag for you. This is fun! The book catalogue. For the growth of children, learning can have certain requirements, but can not be too strict in a way can not tolerate any mistakes, to give children must make mistakes and correction opportunities, can not set a high standard, if the child does not meet the standard, then be punished, and so on.

High standards are what frustrate children. The available time is relatively long, but because the child is growing and developing, his inappropriate time will be relatively fast, so it needs to be replaced regularly.

I can look at it, because a lot of people have this habit, which is actually developed from a young age, including this alternating movement. Then well see what happens. You have to brush your teeth and squint every day! Why is the rain still shot? Is it a secret? Just flatten. Not yet. Stop eating before you go to bed at night.

If you eat before bed, then he might be able to eat, but change the time, not during. And then Miao Miao? In this aspect of the heart, you can also ask what is normal in autumn and winter, it is normal to write, and some, for example, in the process of writing homework, are not obedient, parents often go. Reprimanding him, that is the kind of behavior counselor that will bring mental stress to the child. It should not affect eating before bed, itself it is not conducive to digestion, because sleep factory workers child system is also. Need to rest. Here you go. Corn boobs. So your $3 red envelope. The ability is very small. Nor does it feel particularly necessary. I... I saw this. Merchants who sell chicken breasts say they also roll and knead them. You know, youre rolling and youre leaving. Sleep well.

教育公平的大学英语作文 16

The rain outside the window beat against the ground, making a "drip" sound, I sat on the bed, wondering why the exam failed again.

My mother knocked on the door and whispered, "The poinsettias are blooming on the balcony. Wont you come and see them?" A hill rose on my broad plain forehead, and I reluctantly followed my mother to the balcony.

From a distance, the pot of poinsettia in this misty rain hazy weather, like a flame burning. When I got closer, I found that the pot of poinsettias blossomed into red "flowers". Close up, it seems that you can smell a faint aroma. Then my mother whispered, "You know what? Poinsettias dont really have flowers, you just see the leaves."

What? There are no flowers! I thought in surprise. Poinsettias in this downpour can be revitalize, like a flame, warm the heart, make my low mood improved. Even if there are no flowers, but, it opens the leaves into flowers. What a strong poinsettia! In this bad weather, they can also overcome many obstacles, cross difficulties and obstacles, and grow the leaves into flowers.

As with poinsettias, so with people. Poinsettias face the dilemma of not flowering, still can overcome the difficulties and find a way. Why cant I find the cause and solve the problem from within? Exam results will not deceive people, did not get the ideal results, it can only show that the effort is not enough. My time and effort can only be matched by these results. If I had put in more time and effort, I wouldnt have stopped there. Why dont I take action now to overcome the temptation of electronic products and try to get rid of the boredom of learning. As the old saying goes: "The learning is not as good as the good, the good is not as happy." To develop an interest in learning knowledge is the first task. It is always difficult to study hard at first, but when learning becomes a habit, an instinct, it becomes enjoyable.

In the poinsettias, I see the quality I lack. A downpour, a poinsettia, and on that day, it became my teacher. This silent education, let me understand the meaning of perseverance, tenacious struggle, let me clear the direction of efforts.

教育公平的大学英语作文 17

Each of us should have a heart of gratitude. With it, the world will become a beautiful world. We are grateful to the teacher, the teacher is a burning candle, with love to illuminate our journey forward, for us to pave a bright road; The teacher is the gardener, feeding us this blossoming flower of the motherland, for our growth and hard work; The teacher is a big tree, for the growth of a new generation of knowledge full of "leaves" and hard work. Therefore, we should use a grateful heart to thank the teacher for giving us help and encouragement.

There was once an event that is still imprinted in the depths of my memory, unforgettable. It was my first year in primary school. At the time, I was a little girl who didnt know anything. Later, I met Mr. Wu at a class meeting. She has a head of shiny black hair, her face is always filled with sweet smile, amiable, like a mother - this is the common feeling she left to each of us students.

That day, the teacher on the podium "long-winded" for a long time, but I did not listen to a word. "Ye Wenjie, please answer this question!" A friendly voice rang in my ear. Ah! I stood up hurriedly. Suddenly dozens of eyes are looking at me, I became red in an instant, can not say a word... "Please come to my office after class!" The friendly voice sounded again. After listening to this sentence, I became a stiff stone, and I couldnt help thinking: the teacher will scold me, what should I do? How will the teacher punish me? A series of questions erupted in my mind like sparks.

After class, I shuffled to the teachers office, ready to be scolded. But teacher Wu did not do so, but smiled and asked me not to be nervous, and then took out the textbook patiently for me to do a series of guidance. At this time, the fear in my heart also disappeared in an instant, that is, such a teaching let me realize the teacher to our pay and care. Since then, I have never been distracted in class.

My teacher Wu in my heart is always so amiable, learning in good guidance, life in meticulous care... I also want to use a grateful heart to thank the teacher for my inculcation!

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