多长时间的英文:how long
1. This is a matter of how long?
2. I don't know what I am or how long I got.
3. You love me How long? ...
4. You don't know how long I've waited for you...
5. How long have you been in china?
6. I don't know how long.
1. 我们的倒霉先生还有多长时间?
How long does that give Mr. Mullet here to live?
2. 你花多长时间从冰湖的这一边滑到对面去?我喜欢滑冰。
Hew long does it take you to skate over the frozen lake to the other side?
3. 你知道我分了这一杯羹用了多长时间吗?
Do you know how long it's been since I've grabbed a spoon?
4. 远处有一座若隐若现的石拱桥,像一条白丝带飘浮在这空蒙的雪雾里,我正在思考着这奇妙的雪景,雪却不知从什么时候起越下越大了,雪花从空中飘下落在我的脸上,冷冷的别有一种清凉的味道,我爱雪花,我喜欢她飘落时的轻盈自由,和她那与生俱来的清新的'味道,眼前的雪花似乎是一个个自由的天使,它们不知道盼了多长时间才拥有这一瞬间的轻舞飞扬,这应该是怎样的欢快呢?
At one time, I also walked lonely on the aisle of school with an umbrella in my hand.
5. 另外,阳光照射多长时间它就可以亮多长时间哦
What's more, you can get free sunlights forever!
6. 酸奶能坚持多长时间留在室温……
How long can yogurt stay at room temp..
7. 从花园城到北京乘飞机旅行要多长时间?
How long does it take to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane?
8. 你离开剧组有多长时间了?
When did you last work on it?
1. 你隔多长时间去看他?
How long at intervals do you go to see him?
2. 你准备在这儿待多长时间?
O3 a 41 how long are you going to stay here?
3. 把信息从一个修理部传递到另一个修理部需要多长时间?
In how many minutes do they messages from one garage to the other?
4. 至于提前多长时间,最好还去征求一下医生的意见吧。
As for how long in advance, it is best to seek further medical advice about it.
5. 应该多长时间进行一次調諧?
How often should I perform tuning?
6. 好啊,那么你估计多长时间我们会收齐货?
Ok. when did you say we`ll receive everything by?
7. 好啊,那么你估计多长时间我们会收齐货?
Ok. when did you say well receive everything by?
8. 你出疹子有多长时间了?
How long have you had this rash?
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