


名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 1

Love seems to be the perpetual theme all over the world. But actually what is love? For most girls in 20s, love may mean everything to them. They seek for love bravely no matter what difficulties they may face. In their eyes, love is pure or even holy. However, those are just an ideal situation, n real life; people tend to find a balance between love and property.

Pride and prejudice is Austin’s great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages and love, the writer demonstrates her concept about love and marriage: love and marriage is closely associated with property and society, however, love and marriage can not only be decided by the property and social status. An ideal marriage should be based on mutual affection, respect and the same interest. She rejects the marriage based only on wealth.

Different people have different ideas upon marriage. By the description and discussion of the four marriages in the novel, we can see that Austen fully expresses her views on love and marriage. Only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, but also by satirizing the marriage founded on the basis of origin and desire.

The marriage based on social position and money can’t bring happiness in life. Aimless marriage and love are unpractical.

Everything goes wrong for poor couples. Marriage based on wealth is not a fault. At least, it can offer us a better condition of life. Property is not everything in the life but without it, we can do nothing. This is called reality. But if you only married for wealth, you sell your liberty. The rest of your life might be miserable, and your marriage will filled with endless bitterness.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 2

“Pride and prejudice” is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story.

Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the conservative and block state of the British town life and ways of the world. Its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment.

First of all, from story to see, Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. Just then a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable. And also it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her and happy family of darcy. In my opinion, Elizabeth is worthy of praise.

In the way of the pursuit of love, be sure to a firm belief, not for money, fame, wealth, or any other cause carelessly decided to, want to hold to find true love. If the other party to some of the defect is himself cant stand, but also what cant change it, you should give up the resolute choice; Of course should also to cherish each other, not because of some of the others words, they change their decision, happiness to yourself to the business. This is the book want to communicate to the world is very precious words, is also to the heart of the pursuit of love chicken soup.

Reading this book, I be a lifetime earnings, enjoy the spiritual baptism.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 3

The female protagonist Elizabeth in the work is a lively and generous girl who combines beauty and wisdom, disdaining the importance of power and luxury. Although born from a poor background, self-respect and self-love are rare qualities that can be precious both in that era and in contemporary times. The male protagonist, Darcy, is a perfect man with a wealth of money and talent, handsome and unrestrained. However, his personality is reserved and serious, and he is not good at speaking, giving people the impression of arrogance. Therefore, Elizabeth formed a prejudice against Mr. Darcy and gradually deepened it.

However, during his time together, Darcys admiration for Elizabeth gradually deepened, but due to Elizabeths prejudice, he repeatedly encountered setbacks. In the end, Elizabeth understood Darcys character and knew that her previous prejudices were only due to misunderstandings and intentional slander from others. In the end, the two got married and reunited.

What impressed me the most was the two encounters between Elizabeth and Darcys aunt, one during which they had dinner together. During the meal, Darcys aunt posed difficulties due to Elizabeths lack of background and skills, but Elizabeth still gave a polite and powerful counterattack, not only defending her and her familys dignity, but also presenting the backbone that the lower class of society should have.

Another time, when Aunt Darcy discovered that Darcy was in love with Elizabeth and unwilling to marry her daughter, she went to find Elizabeth and asked her not to interact with Darcy anymore. Elizabeth also refused to submit to the power and persisted in her own thoughts. It was Elizabeths self-respect and unyielding character to power that attracted Darcy and created a beautiful marriage.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 4

This novel was written by Jane Austen during her peak period in England. While it is interesting, it satirizes the power, ostentation, vanity, and distorted views of rural people on marriage. She used her unique writing style to describe two unfortunate and fortunate marriages.

The novel revolves around the theme of how Mrs. Burnett got her daughter married off. The main theme is the marriage of the second daughter. The male protagonist Darcy is wealthy, noble, but very proud; Elizabeth, the second daughter, is young, headstrong, intelligent and lively, and has a prejudice against Darcy. Love flickered and struggled between the two, but ultimately broke this arrogance and prejudice. The novel came to an end in their happy and happy marriage. Mr. Burnetts five daughters excelled in portraying the women of rural society at that time: his eldest daughter, Jane, was gentle and gentle, with a kind heart; Elizabeth, the second daughter, is intelligent and has her own unique views on things; Mary, the third daughter, does not have a prominent appearance, but is knowledgeable and upright in character; Katie and her youngest daughter Lydia, who are ranked fourth, have flashy personalities and focus solely on entertainment. They dont know where the sky and earth are, but Lydia is fooled into taking advantage of her simple foolishness.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 5

I used to think that arrogance and prejudice were stories that encouraged young people to pursue love.

Until later I saw it.

Later on, I carefully thought about it. Even though Elizabeth was with Darcy for the sake of money, there was still love between them. At least they had fought for love to get this marriage, and compared to those marriages that only came about because of money, they were also happy.

The author of "Pride and Prejudice", Austin, lived in the late 18th century during the peak period of the British Empire, and Austin set his sights on rural England. This should be Austins own life situation, as stated in Baidu Baike: Although Austins characters are all fictional, they all reflect Austins own views on marriage and love. Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice fully embodies the marriage and love model that Austen yearns for. In her interactions with Darcy, Elizabeth advocates the principle of gender equality, abandons the traditional view of male superiority and female inferiority, and believes that noble emotions are a normal need for people. At the same time, Austens ideal marriage, in addition to equality and respect, also includes freedom and understanding. She hopes to use this to help people break free from the constraints of traditional ideas, and thus find and realize themselves.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 6

During the vacation, I read a book called Pride and Prejudice, which was very enjoyable. It has made me feel a lot and also experienced a lot.

This book mainly tells the story of Elizabeth, a rural lady from a respectable family who did not have a wealthy dowry, meeting Darcy, a wealthy son at a dance party. Darcys arrogance at the time angered Elizabeth, and with the instigation of villains, Elizabeths misunderstanding of Darcy deepened. Unfortunately, Prince Charming Darcy couldnt help but fall in love with the beautiful and lively "Cinderella" through repeated encounters. However, the differences between the two worlds have led Darcy to hold an arrogant attitude towards Elizabeth, which, combined with Elizabeths deepening misunderstanding of Darcy, constitutes a contradiction between "arrogance" and "prejudice".

This book has taught me that people should live in harmony and not misunderstand each other due to a small matter. We also need to learn to understand each other and not cause harm to others by causing discord; Learn to be tolerant of others. Make our society better.

This book also made me feel that this pair of "arrogance" and "prejudice" have tied the knot after experiencing many setbacks.

We should not give up just because of a small setback, we should learn to persist, persistence is victory!

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 7

I know from the title that I watched Pride and Prejudice today and theres nothing to talk about. However, this movie was really well made, and I strongly recommend that my friends go and enjoy it when they have time. Before that, I had read its original work and only remembered that it was very attractive for me to keep reading. Before watching the movie, I only remembered a little story outline.

Watching a movie while holding the original one, often ridiculed by someone, but I find it very interesting, I found this passage in the original work: It has become a universally recognized truth that all wealthy bachelors always want to marry a wife. Such bachelors, when they move to a new place, may be completely unaware of their temperament and opinions. However, since this truth has long been deeply ingrained in peoples minds, people always regard them as a property that one of their daughters deserves, The first paragraph of the opening chapter of Jane Austens masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice".

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 8

I dont know when I fell in love with Austin, his satirical art, and his realism. His unassuming language style made me indulge in emotions about the present world, his criticism of characters, and all of these made me fall for it. It has to be said that he really thinks he is a great writer.

I came into contact with Pride and Prejudice in my second year of junior high school. One day, while feeling bored at home, I stumbled upon this book, which I still cannot forget. From my initial disapproval to my current obsession, it has taught me a lot. I have been tirelessly reading it until late at night, and I have fought a few months of "guerrilla warfare" with my mother over it. She hid me looking for it, and it was a pleasure. Now when I open this book again, some memories come back to me.

I like Elizabeths frankness. Her talent, her attitude towards life, and her philosophy of life all impressed me. Although in that society at that time, all of these were not allowed and violated social norms, these qualities deeply impressed readers with life.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 9

Pride and prejudice, two peoples understanding allows each other to correct their shortcomings and develop towards a better direction, making each others personalities complement each other and become better people. I think this is also why the two parties in marriage should complement each other better. As Elizabeths aunt said, Darcy is a good person but lacks some taste of life, which Elizabeth completely fills in. As parents, when they dont pay attention to their childrens education, there are children like Lydia (the mothers indulgence, the father is too lazy to manage).

As a man, one must strive to improve oneself and become more outstanding in order to choose the things they want to choose and achieve good results. It is also necessary to have a calm mind, after all, in real life, there are few people like Darcy who can control the other party and still think for their friends (it may be a wrong judgment). As a woman, she must have her own independent thinking, and more importantly, she should use her true understanding to see people, rather than being deceived by external factors. Wickham is a good example, and Lydia is a good negative textbook. Of course, it is important to learn from the opinions of her elders at this time (Elizabeth listened to her aunts words). Like Jane, she is full of hope and kindness towards the world, and like Elizabeth, she has her own opinions and knows what she wants.

A hundred readers make a hundred Hamlets.

名著《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感 10

During the summer vacation, I read a book called Pride and Prejudice. Although the story in this book is about marriage, in my eyes, it is not a romantic story at all. On the contrary, modern people have many flaws and rich reasons, which are worth pondering after reading.

At the end of the 18th century, due to differences in economic conditions, there were social barriers between the British aristocracy and the middle class. At that time, life in rural England was very relaxed. The protagonist of this article is a middle-class family with five daughters. The snobbish mother saw the wealthy boy and couldnt wait to arrange for her daughter to catch the golden turtle. The eldest daughters relationship began to go smoothly, but at a critical moment, there were twists and turns. Elizabeth, the second daughter, has a serious prejudice against the arrogant Darcy. Two people are clearly in love but have been stabbing with words. Fortunately, the misunderstanding has finally been resolved. All five daughters have good grades. I like Elizabeth the most. Her frank personality moved me.

This book tells me that everyone has pride, which is indeed a psychological illness brought about by human nature. Only when we have a little strength can we feel great. But the meanings of pride and vanity are the same, only fundamentally different. Pride is a sense of self, while vanity involves demanding that others overestimate oneself. So, it is indisputable that a person has pride without vanity. The text of the novel is clear, rich, and delicate, expressing the authors rich emotions and expressing the view that marriage is based on love rather than property and status.

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