


八年级英语上册期中试卷及答案 1

一.用is,am 或are 填空

1.Excuse me. What _______ this in English?

2. ________ the your coat, Mr Green? No, it _________ not.

3.What ________ these? ___________ they maps?

4. This __________ your bike. Where __________ my bike?

5. I __________ in Class Eleven. What class ___________ you in?


1. –What’s your name, please? ---- ________

A. It’s Tom B. My name is Tom C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you

2.----Hello, Lin Tao. How are you? ---- _________.

A. hello. Li Ming. How are you? B. Good morning. Li Ming.

C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you

3.----It is _________ ruler. ---- It is not __________ eraser.

A. /, an B. a; an C. the; the

4.---- Is that your watch over there? ----No, it’s _______ watch.

A. my B. this C. my sister’s

5. ----What _______ do you speak? ---- I speak Chinese.

A. language B. science C. subject

6. Thanks ______ your present.

A. of B. from C. for D. to

7. Is ______ your aunt? What’s ________ name?

A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his

8. The movie is very _______ and I like it.

A. boring B. interest C. interesting D. difficult

9. ________ your brother __________ a soccer ball?

A. Do; has B. Do; have C. Does; has D. Does; have

10. --- Let’s ___________ basketball. ---- Good idea!

A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing

11.Mike doesn’t play sports. He only ______ them on TV.

A. sees B. watches C. looks at D. find

12.I need to write a lost note. Can you _______ me _________?

A. take; a pencil B. bring; some bookC. take; some papers D. bring; a pen

13.He wants _________ the art club.

A. to join B. join C. joins

14.---How does your father go to work every day? ---- _________ taxi.

A. In B. By C. On D. With

15.Yesterday after class I ______________ my homework.

A. do B. did C. make D. made


A boy and a girl catch a bird and ___1___ it in a birdcage (鸟笼). They like it ___2___ and __3___ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants ___4___ her supper. ___5___ the bird is in the cage. She can’t catch it. So she is very ___6____.

One day, she opens the door of the cage ___7___ wants to catch it. But the bird fillies away. The cat ____8_____, and she has ____9_____. The two children ___10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.

1.A. take B. put C. carry D. bring

2.A. well B. very C. much D. very much

3.A. see B. look C. have a look D. have a look at

4.A. have it for B. has is for C. to have it for D. to has it so

5.A. But B. And C. So D. Then

6.A. angry B. happy C. glad D. tired

7.A. but B. and C. so D. or

8.A. can to fly B. can fly C. can’t to fly D. can’t fly

9.A. no ways B. some ways C. any way D. not way

10. A. come back to home B. come back home

C. come to home D. back home



An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to get him something to eat.

He sees a monkey and says, “I’m hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and get me a fat pig.”

“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”

“What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will eat him.”

“Come with me,” says the monkey.

The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river.” Says the monkey. “Do you see it? The tiger?”

“Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.

1. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A. Two tigers and one monkey B. Two tigers and two monkeys

C. Only one tiger and one monkey D. Two monkeys and one tiger

2. Why does the tiger tell the other animals to get him food? Because ____________.

A. only they can look for some food B. he is old and they are afraid of him

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

3. The monkey _____________________

A. goes to the village to get a pig B. knows there is another tiger

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

4. Which of the following is right? __________

A. The monkey eats up the tiger B. The tiger eats up another tiger

C. The tiger jumps into the water D. The tiger is clever


Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party to Mary. Mary is her daughter. She will be ten years old. A lot of her friends are coming to the party. Twenty of them are girls.

Mrs Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.

“That’s a big nice cake,” says Mrs. White to Mrs Green.

“Thank you very much.”

Mrs Green is going shopping now. She is going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys a lot of pears, apples.Orangesand bananas. Then she goes home.

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to begin in thirty minutes.


1. Who is Mrs Green going to give a birthday party to?


2. How old is Mary?


3. What does Mrs Green buy fruit for?


4. When is the party going to begin?


5. How many girls are there at the party?



1. In our school, we have many ___________ (club).

2. Helen can _______________ (speak) three languages.

3. The Whites have four ___________ (child), two daughters and two sons.

4. My pen pal _____________ (live) inJapan.

5. I want to eat _____________ (a) apple.

6. Please come and __________ (help) me.

7. She _________ (have) a dictionary.

8. There isn’t _____________ (some) tea in the cup.


1. are, brothers, those, my


2. table, backpack, the, my, is, under


3. number, phone, your, is, what


4. this, black, how, much, is, T-shirt


5. has, she, a, car, blue



A: Can I help you?

B: ________, ______. I want a pair of pants.

A: What _________ do you ________?

B: Black

A: Here _______ _________.

B: _______ _______ are you?

A: 35 dollars.

B: I’ll take them. _________ you.

A: You’re ___________.


1.Can you play the violin? ____________________________________

2.Do you like English or maths? Why? ___________________________

3.What sports do you like? _____________________________________

4.When did you start to learn English? ____________________________

5.What are you going to do this summer vacation?__________________


一. 1. is 2. Is, Is 3. are, Are 4. is, is 5. am, are

二. 1-5 BDBCA 6-10 CBCDC 11-15 BDABB

三. 1-5 BDDCA 6-10 ABDAB

四. (A) 1-4 CBCC

(B)1. To her daughter Mary.

2. She will be ten years old.

3. For the party.

4. At 5:30 in the afternoon

5. There are 20 girls the party.

五. 1. clubs 2. speak 3. children 4. lives 5. an

6. help 7. has 8. any

六. 1. Those are my brothers.

2. My backpack is under the table.

3. What is your phone number?

4. How much is this black T-shirt?

5. She has a blue car.

七. 1. Yes 2. Please 3. color 4. want 5. you

6. are 7. How 8. much 9. Thank 10. welcome

八年级英语上册期中试卷及答案 2


1. The teacher asked the students ________ computer games for too long.

A.dont play

B.didnt play

C.not to play

D.not play

2. The doctor doesnt feel well today, ______ he still works very hard.





3. The smile on my mothers face showed that she was _______with me.




D. sorry

4. Youd better _______the book to others.

A.dont lend

B.not to lend

C.didnt lend

D.not lend

5. The text is very easy for you. There are _____new words in it.

A.a few

B.a little

C. few


6. The box is________far for the boy______reach.


B.to; too



7. May I use your dictionary? I want to ____a word.

A.look at

B.look for

C.look after

D.look up

8. ---Would you like some chicken ?

---_______.Ive had enough.

A. Yes, thank you.

B.No, thanks

C.Thats all right

D.Just fine.


Long,long ago people made the first lightening(闪电).But they had to keep the fire burning,for they couldnt start it again if there was no lighting.Later,they found out hitting two pieces of stone together could make a spark(火花).The spark could fire dry leaves.In this way they could make the fire again if it went out .Then people also learned to make a fire by rubbing(摩擦).They made a hole on a piece of wood and put a smaller stick into the hole. They turned the stick again and again.After a few minutes they got a fire.

As years went by, people learned other way to make a fire.Sometimes they used the heat from the sun.They held a piece of glass in the right way and made a piece of paper on fire.

About two centuries ago, people began to make matches.Matches brought people a quick and easy way to make fires.Today matches are still being used, but people have more new ways to make fires.One of them is to use an electric fire starter.Of course an electric fire starter is much more expensive then a box of matches, But it is very useful.

1. From the text we know that a spark can________.

A.fire and leaves

B.burn anything

C.burn dry leaves

D.keep fire burning

2. We can also get a fire by__________.

A.making a hole on a big piece of wood

B.putting the smaller stick into the hole

C.turning the stick hard for a while

D.all above together

3. Matches have been used ___________.

A.for about two thousand years

B.for about two hundred years

C.since people began to use fire for cooking

D.since people used the heat from the sun

4. From the text, we know that _________.

A.electric fire starters are widely used

B.people havent used matches since they had electric fire starters

C.today there are only two ways to make fire

D.some forest fires happen from lighting

5. Which of the following is the right order of the ways to make fires that people got to know?

a.with a match

b.from the sun

c. from lightening

d.by rubbing

e. with an electric fire starter

A.a,b,c,d,c B.b,c,a,e,d

C.c,d,b,a,e D.d,a,c,b,e


一 .单项选择

1. C 解析:ask的用法是:ask sb to do sth,如果变复数在to前加not.

2. A 解析:but表示转折,意味,虽然医生不舒服,但他还是努力工作。

3. B 解析:根据句意,妈妈笑了,说明应该是对我感到满意的。

4. D 解析:had better用法,had better do sth否定是在do前加not.

5. C 解析:word是可数名词,只能用few或a few。Few表示否定意义,本题意为这篇文章很容易,几乎没有生词。

6. A 解析:too—to意为太---而不能---

7. D 解析:look -- up 意为在(字典,书,电脑里)查找

8. B 解析:习惯用法,No, thanks。礼貌的`拒绝。


1. C 解析:本题从第一段第四行可以得到答案。

2. D 解析:从第一段最后三行可以看出答案,前三个选项就是通过摩擦生火的三步。

3. B 解析:本题从第三段第一行可以得出答案。

4. A 解析:本题可用排除法,从最后一段可以把BC排除,文中并没提到闪电造成的火灾,所以D也不对,只能选A。

5. C 解析:从第一句看出第一句方式就是lighting,所以只能选C

八年级英语上册期中试卷及答案 3


( )1. A. big B. sixC. nice D. miss

( )2. A. workB. wall C. whoseD. watch

( )3. A. sorry B. brotherC. some D. does

( )4. A. yesterday B. familyC. day D. Monday

( )5. A. hearB. pear C. ear D. near

( )6. A. map B. stampC. faceD. cat

( )7. A. three B. thoseC. their D. these

( )8. A. foodB. foot C. bookD. good

( )9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant

( )10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls



1. shoes(单数)__________

2. bus(复数)__________

3. dont(完全形式) __________

4. me(主格) __________

5. too(同音词) __________

6. he(物主代词) __________

7. 努力工作(译成英语) __________

8. let us(缩写形式) __________

9. short(反义词) __________

10. over there(汉语意思)__________


1. 二瓶果汁___________

2. 到这来___________

3. 在树下___________

4. 双胞胎兄弟___________

5. how much ___________

6. thanks a lot ___________

7. look after ___________

8. put on ___________

9. 在天空中___________

10. 穿红衣服的女孩 ___________


1. Can I have ______(a) orange?

2. She _____(like) to play the flute.

3. He _____(have) got a skipping rope.

4. Please give _____(I) a cup of tea.

5. Lets go _____(shop) with my mother!

6. Da Ming comes from China,he is _____(China).

7. How many _____(hour) are there in a day?

8. Lucy _____(look) like her father.

9. "Here you are. ""_____(thank)."

10. She ______(watch) TV every evening.


A. Lets go to the zoo.B. Can you spell "window"?

C. Good evening, Dad. D. Good night.

E. This is Mr Zhang. F. Look at the new car.

G. Come and sit here.H. Its my favourite colour.

( )1. 傍晚见到父亲说:___________

( )2. 你想说这是我最喜欢的颜色:________

( )3. 你想叫人拼写窗户这个单词,可以说:_________

( )4. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:________

( )5. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色法拉利小轿车,可以说:_______

( )6. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:________

( )7. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:________

( )8. 你向Helen介绍一下张老师,应该说:______


( )1. Whats this in English? _____ a jeep.

A. This is

B. Thats

C. Its

D. it is

( )2. Wheres the bag?

A. Its in the car.

B. They are here.

C. There are.

D. Here are.

()3. Whats that man?

A. Hes my brother.

B. Yes,he is.

C. Shes a teacher.

D. Hes a teacher.

()4. Its _____ my new car.

A. /

B. a

C. is

D. isnt

() 5. ____ a cat.

A. This

B. Thiss

C. This is

D. That

( )6. Look ____ the nice car.

A. to

B. and

C. at

D. in

( )7. Its nine oclock. I must ______.

A. go home

B. go to home

C. to go home

D. go the home

() 8. _____ you see the blackboard?

A. Do

B. Are

C. Is

D. Can

( )9. Please give ____ a cup of tea.

A. she

B. he

C. I

D. him

( ) 10. Its time ____ play games.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. to

( )11. The man _______ the photo is my father.

A. in

B. on the

C. in the

D. under

( )12. _____ name is Mike.

A. I

B. My

C. Me

D. mine

( )13. Who is the _____? He is my uncle.

A. boy

B. man

C. woman

D. girl

( )14. _____ you like this jacket?

A. Are

B. Do

C. Can

D. What

( )15. ______ is my umbrella? Its over there.

A. Where

B. What

C. Whose

D. how

( )16. Whats that ____ English?

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. under

( )17. Look! The cat is _______.

A. walk

B. run

C. ran

D. running

( ) 18. Whose gloves are they? ____ my _____.

A. Its,mothers

B. Theyre,mothers

C. Theyre,mother

D. Its,mother

( ) 19. The boys are from Tokyo. They are ______.

A. China

B. English

C. Japanese

D. Chinese

( ) 20. There are _____ on the table.

A. two bottles of milk

B. two bottles milk

C. two bottles of milks

D. two bottle of milk

( )21. "Can I help you?""Id like ______ bags of rice. "

A. some

B. a

C. little

D. one

( )22. "What would you like?""Id like _____ to eat."

A. something

B. apple

C. meat

D. some orange

()23. Look! Some meat ____ in the box. Some apples _____ in the basket.

A. are,are

B. is,is

C. are,is

D. is,are

( )24. I would like ________.

A. some banana

B. eat some bananas

C. some bananas eat

D. some bananas

()25. Please give me two bottles of _______.

A. milk

B. waters

C. milks

D. oranges

()26. Well,would you like _____ to drink?

A. some thing

B. anything

C. some things

D. something

( )27. ____ would you like _____ breakfast?

A. What,with

B. What,for

C. What,at

D. How,for

()28. I want some

A. meats

B. waters

C. cakes

D. breads

( )29. What about __________?

A. something to eat

B. to eat something

C. something eat

D. eat something

( )30. "Do you want _____ orange?""No,Id like _____ bottle of orange."

A. a,an

B. an,an

C. the,an

D. an,a



( )1. Dont be late again.A. A new watch.

( )2. May I have a cup of tea?B. Me,too.

( )3. I like the red fan. C. I see.

( )4. Whats that on the desk?D. Sure.

( )5. Wheres Dad? E. Perhaps hes in the study.

( )6. Shall we go to the zoo by bike? F. Its Bobs,I think.

( )7. Whose kite is this?G. Good idea.

( )8. Can I have a look at your dress?H. Yes. Here you are.


( )1. Could you help me, please?A. OK.

( )2. Thanks a lot. B. Youre welcome.

( )3. Lets put the books in the box.C. Its Monday.

( )4. Can you carry it? D. No,its full.

( )5. Whos on duty today? E. lam.

( )6. Is it empty? F. No,its light.

( )7. What day is it today?G. Certainly.

( )8. Is that bag heavy? H. No. Li Lei isnt here.

( )9. Are we all here today? I. No,thanks.

( )10. Let me help you.J. Yes,I can.


( ) 1. Wang Hai does well in English.

A. likes

B. is good at

C. is writing

( )2. Id like some melons.

A. I want

B. I like

C. I need

( )3. Let me see.

A. look at

B. watch

C. think over

( ) 4. How does she go there?

A. get up

B. do

C. get

( )5. We have three lessons this afternoon.

A. texts

B. glasses

C. classes

( )6. Well go and get some bananas.

A. sell

B. want

C. buy

( )7. A: Its hot inside. Please open the window.

B: Pardon?

A. Please say it again.

B. Im sorry.

C. All right.

( )8. Where are you from? Im from China.

A. Im from Chinese.

B. Im Chinese.

C. Im in China.

( )9. Tom! This is my uncle.

A. my fathers brother.

B. my mothers sister.

C. my fathers sister.

( ) 10. Whats the time? Its a quarter to one.

A. 1:15

B. 1:45

C. 12:45

( )11. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?

A. Whats the weather in Shanghai?

B. How is the weather like in Shanghai?

C. How is the weather in Shanghai?

( )12. Can I play the video games now? Im afraid you cant.

A. Youre welcome.

B. Thats OK.

C. Please dont.

( )13. Were going to the cinema.

A. Were going to do it.

B. Were walking in the cinema,

C. Were going to see a film.

( )14. Our teacher walks to school on foot every day.

A. Our teacher goes to school on foot every day.

B. Our teacher works every day.

C. Our teacher likes walking every day.


1. things,in,are,the,now,the,car


2. you,what,wrong,is,with


3. you,let,help,me


4. is,the,what,weather,today,like


5. you,me,please,could,help


6. are,what,they,colour


7. many,minutes,hour,there,how,are,in,an


8. him,give,please,water,a,of,bottle


9. to,I,put,the,ball,in,the,box,want


10. fox,wolf,friends,and,are



Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young,but he is not old. He has a round face and black hair. He is tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.

Now its in the afternoon. Look,some students are working in the classroom. Jack is there,too. He is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of them all.

( )1. What does Jack do?

A. He is a worker.

B. He is a teacher.

C. He is a doctor.

D. Hes a nurse.

( )2. What colour is his hair?

A. Its black.

B. His heir is white.

C. It is brown.

D. He has yellow hair.

( )3. How many students are there in his class?

A. There are fifteen students in his class.

B. Theres fifty.

C. He has fifty.

D. Therere fifty in it.

( )4. Jack is a good teacher,isnt he?

A. Yes,he isnt.

B. No,he is.

C. Yes,hes.

D. Yes,he is.

( )5. What are the students doing in the classroom?

A. They are walking there.

B. They are doing their lessons.

C. They are helping their teacher.

D. They are good friends of Jack.



1. C

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. C

10. C



1. shoe

2. buses

3. do not

4. I

5. two

6. his

7. work hard

8. lets

9. long/tall

10. 在那边


1.two bottles of juice

2e here

3.under the tree

4.twin brothers





9.in the sky

10.the girl in red


1. an 元音开头的词前要用冠词an。

2. likes she为单数第三人称所以动词要用单数和第三人称形式。

3. has he为第三人称单数,动词要用单数第三人称形式,have变成has。

4. me动词give后要用宾格形式。

5. shopping go shopping为固定短语。

6. Chinese 此处Chinese译为"中国人"。

7. hours How many后要加复数名词。

8. looks Lucy作语语,为第三人称单数,所以动词也用单数第三人称形式。

9. Thanks 惯用法。

10. watches she 为第三人称单词,动词watch也用单数第三人称形式,以ch结尾的词加es.



2. H

3. B

4. G

5. F

6. A

7. D

8. E


1. C由于是单数,回答时用Its。不选择A是因为Whats this in English的'回答用It is…而不用This is…

2. B单数回答用B。

3. D此句问的不是"那个男人是谁"而是问"那个男人是干什么的"所以选D。

4. A此处,物主代词前不能用冠词。

5. Cthis is不能缩写。

6. Clook at为常用短语,"表示看……"。

7. A情态动词后要用动词原形,go home为固定短语。

8. D此处用情态动词can 更准确。

9. D动词give后要用宾格形式。

10. D Its time to+动词原形为习惯用法。

11. A 在照片上用in.

12. B 此处要用形容词性物主代词。

13. B 根据回答中的uncle,故用B。

14. B 句中like为动词,所以用Do提问。

15. A 根据回答得知问"伞在哪?",所以要选A。

16. B in English为固定用法,in为用的意思。

17. D is与现在分词搭配,组成进行时。

18. B gloves为复数,所以要用they are;所有格要在名词后加s。

19. C Tokyo为东京,在日本,所以选择C。

20. A there are后要加复数形式,milk为不可数名词,所以要选A。

21.A bags为复数。所以选择some。

22.A something为不定代词,用在此处,意为"想吃点什么"。

23.D meat为不可数名词,apple为可数名词,所以用D。

24.D I would like意为"我想要,想吃……"。后直接加名词。

25.A milk为不可数名词。

26.D something为不定代词,something to drink意为"喝点什么"。这时是想得到肯定回答,所以不用anything。

27.B breakfast为早饭。

28.C cake在此为可数名词,可变复数。

29.A 习惯用法。

30.D orange意为橘子,元音开头要用an。


(I)1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. E 6. G 7. F 8. H

(II)1. G 2. B 3. A 4. J 5. E

6. D

7. C

8. F

9. H

10. I


1. B does well in为"学得好"的意思。

2. A Id like 意为"我想要/我想吃"。

3. C see在此为"想一想"的意思。

4. C go 在此表示去那儿/到那儿,get有"到达"之意。

5. C lessons意为课程、课,故选classes。

6. C get在此为买的意思。

7. A Pardon?口语中意为没听清,"再说一遍。"

8. B from China意为来自中国,故选B。

9. A uncle为"叔叔"。

10. Ca quarter为"一刻钟",故选C。

11. CHow为副词,不能与like(介词)连用。

12. CIm afraid you cant 意为"恐怕不行",为否定。

13. Cgo to the cinema意为"去看电影"。

14. A去上班还可用go


1.The things are in the car now.

2.Whats wrong with you?

3.Let me help you.

4.What is the weather like today?

5.Could you help me,please?

6.What colour are they?

7.How many minutes are there in an hour?

8.Please give him a bottle of water.

9.I want to put the ball in the box.

10.Fox and wolf are friends.


1.B 见文中第一句。Jack是一位英语老师。

2.A 见文中第三句。他圆圆的脸,黑色头发。

3.D 见文中第四句。我们班有五十五名学生。

4.D 见文中最后两句。他是一位好老师,还是大家的好朋友。

5.B 见第二段第二句。有些同学在班级里做功课。

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