A primeval1) component of all early religions was the cult2) of the mother goddess, who represented earth, fertility and all aspects of creation. Here, we take a look at some of the more interesting mama deities3).
As one of the most important deities of ancient Egypt, Isis held several roles. Not only was she a principal deity in the rites4) connected with the dead, but she was also a magical healer, and as a mother figure and arbiter5) of fertility rites6) she was a role model for women. Isis was the daughter of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut and was married to Osiris7), King of Egypt, whom she restored as a mummy after his brother Seth chopped him into pieces.
Forget Mother Earth: the Hindu goddess Durga ("the inaccessible") is considered the mother of the universe. It's only right that such a powerful deity have at least eight arms, ride a lion, and be able to defeat demons8) that other gods cannot. It's also fitting that the beautiful protective-warrior goddess has a festival in her honor each year: Durga Puja is celebrated, primarily in eastern India, during the harvest season.
While the ancient Greek poet Hesiod9) didn't use the words "Captain Planet10)" to describe Gaia, if anyone deserves the title, it's her. Hesiod writes in his Theogony that she showed up after, but is not the child of, Chaos. "Broad-bosomed Earth (Gaia), sure-standing place for all/The Gods who live on snowy Olympus' peak" creates the sky, the mountains, and the sea. That sky (Uranus), "an equal to herself", is not just her offspring; he also becomes her husband.
Coatlicue is multifaceted11). As Coatlicue she is the Aztec earth goddess, creator and destroyer of earth, mother of gods and mortals, the one who gave birth to the moon and stars. But she is also called Teteoinnan, the "mother of the gods", Toci, "our grandmother", Cihuacoatl, the fearsome goddess of childbirth and patron12) of those women who die in birth, Tonanantzin, "our mother", and simply, "Snake Woman". Additionally she is also known as the goddess of fire and fertility, of life, death and rebirth, and mother of the southern stars. Fitting for a goddess of such vast meanings and responsibilities, her appearance is ... complex. As snakes symbolize fertility, her face is said to have been of two fanged13) serpents, her skirt of interwoven snakes. Her breasts are depicted as flabby14), for she nourished many. And, as the earth consumes all who die, her necklace is made of human hearts, hands and a skull. Yeah, not exactly the portrait of a loving mother.
Ninsun means Lady Wild Cow, which implies bovine15) form. But the Sumerian deity was actually called many things: "the flawless cow", "the wild cow of the enclosure" and "the mother of good offspring that loves the offspring". It's said that she was the divine power behind the qualities that herdsmen hoped for in their own cows. But she wasn't just in cow-like form. She was also represented in human form and could actually give birth to humans, including (legend has it) to Gilgamesh16), one of the great mythical Mesopotamian17) kings.
Danu is said to have literally suckled18) the gods. In Irish mythology, she is mother of the earth, the gods, fertility, wisdom, wind and of all the Celtic people. The story of Danu lingers19) with her offspring, Tuatha De Danann, or people of the goddess Danu, who in Irish folklore are known as the fairy people who are skilled in magic. When the Tuatha De Danaan reached Ireland's shores to wage war against the Firbolgs20), Danu provided them sustenance21), life and law.
科亚特利库埃具有多方面的特征。被称为科亚特利库埃时,她是阿兹特克人的大地女神,是大地的创造者与毁灭者、众神和人类的母亲,月亮和星星也是她的孩子。但她还被称作Teteoinnan (意为“众神之母”)、Toci (意为“老祖母”)、Cihuacoatl (代表令人生畏的分娩女神和死于分娩的女性的保护者)、Tonanantzin (意为“我们的母亲”),或简称“蛇女”。此外,她还是掌管火、生育、生命、死亡及重生的女神,是南方天空群星之母。与这样一位意蕴多重、身兼数职的女神相对应,她的形象也……十分复杂。由于蛇是生育的象征,所以据说她的脸由两条露出毒牙的蛇组成,她的裙子也是由一些蛇交织而成。因为哺育了众多子女,她的被描绘成松弛下垂的样子。并且,由于大地终将吞噬所有逝者,因而她的项链是由人的心脏、手和一个骷髅头串成的 。是啊,这实在算不上是一副慈母的形象。