I don’t have much personal experience with Alzheimer’s disease, but my nana(grandma) suffered from a form of dementia that shared several symptoms with Alzheimer’s.
As long as I had known her, and from all accords, nana was an inherently negative woman. Her favorite pastimes included verbally abusing my mother, blaming people for things, and smoking 40-60 Kent cigarettes a day (without turning on the electric ashtrays my mom got her). So visiting my grandparents’ apartment in Queens was not something we looked forward to. And then dementia set in…
It was really weird visiting grandma in hospice care. After half a century of nicotine intake, she suddenly forgot she was a smoker. She put on a few pounds (which happened to me when I quit smoking, too) and she was even a bit playful at times. She would tell jokes and ask if we brought her any candy. She wasn’t always sure who we were, at least not right away. And there was the occasional awkward moment when she would ask if my mom and I were a couple. But, as terrible as it is to say, I enjoyed this nana’s company better than the old one.
As you may have surmised, this month’s features are all about Alzheimer’s. In I Yelled at You Today, Pat Tomlinson feels sorry for yelling at her mom, and ends up learning a lesson in patience before saying goodbye. In What Alzheimer’s Disease Feels Like, Dr. Stephen Hume takes an introspective look at his ongoing battle with the disease. And in Still My Grammy, we see a grandmother’s facilities slowly fade through the eyes of a young girl.
So don’t forget all your elders out there, who’ve probably forgotten more than we relative youngsters have learned in our abbreviated lifetimes. In other words: remember those who can’t.