The story of Atlantis begins with two of Plato’s dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. These are the only known written records which refer specifically to a lost civilization called Atlantis. Many people believe the tale to be complete fiction. Others believe that the story was inspired by 1)catastrophic events, which may have destroyed the Minoan注1 civilization on Crete注2 and Thera注3. Still, others maintain that the story is an 2)accurate 3)representation of a long lost and almost completely forgotten land.
Plato’s Atlantis
Over 11,000 years ago, there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The people of this land 4)possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and 5)commerce.
This was the island of Atlantis.
Atlantis was the 6)domain of Poseidon, God of the Sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a 7)mortal woman, Cleito, he created a 8)dwelling at the top of a hill, near the middle of the island, and surrounded the dwelling with 9)rings of water and land to protect her.
Cleito gave birth to five pairs of twin boys, who became the first rulers of Atlantis. Poseidon divided the land into ten sections, each to be ruled by a son. The eldest of these, Atlas, was made king of the entire island and the ocean.
At the top of the central hill a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a 10)chariot pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and pay 11)tribute to the God.
To make travel and trade easy, a water canal was cut through the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles to the sea.
The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water and spread across the plain, covering a 12)circle of 11 miles. This was a 13)densely populated area where the majority of the population lived.
Beyond the city lay a 14)fertile plain, 330 miles long and 110 miles wide, surrounded by another canal used to collect water from the rivers and streams of the mountains. Surrounding the plain to the north were mountains which 15)soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and 16)meadows 17)dotted the mountains.
Besides the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An 18)abundance of animals, including elephants, 19)roamed the land.
For generations, the Atlanteans lived simple lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to 20)corrupt them. When Zeus saw this, he gathered the other Gods to determine a suitable punishment.
Soon, in one violent 21)surge it was gone. The island of Atlantis, together with its people and its memory, were swallowed by the sea.
Atlantis: Theories
The 22)prevailing theories about Atlantis are:
It’s Fiction.
It’s an 23)exaggeration based on the fall of the Minoan civilization and on the destruction of the island Thera.
It was Real.
Below you’ll find a brief summary of each of the theories as well as key points either for or against the theory.
This is the easiest answer ?Atlantis is fiction. It was made up to suit the purposes of Plato’s dialogues.
For: Nothing to prove. Timaeus and Critias are simply stories.
Against: It is stated several times within the dialogues that the story is true.
Thera & the Minoan Civilization
There are some 24)compelling similarities between the destruction of Thera and the destruction of Atlantis.
For: The island of Thera, a volcanic island, was destroyed around 1500 BC by an explosion, which caused more than half of the island to sink into the sea. 25)Artifacts found on the island 26)indicate a 27)sophisticated culture, probably part of the Minoan Civilization.
Against: 28)Proponents of this theory claim that Plato’s date of 9,000 years ago should really have been 900 years ago, somewhere along the line either Solon注4 or Plato made a mistake. If the story was 900 years ago, it would place Atlantis in the time frame of the Minoan civilization on Crete and Thera. Conveniently 29)overlooked in this thinking is that, in Timaeus, the priest tells Solon that ancient Athens and Atlantis 30)preceded Egypt by a thousand years. Egypt, however, existed and was known to have existed since long before 1500 BC, the time of Crete and Thera. The times just don’t add up.
It Existed
For: Plato says it’s a true story.
Against: There are no other records of such a civilization ever existing. Current 31)archaeological evidence does not support the 32)premise that such sophisticated civilizations existed around 9000 BC anywhere in the world.
Where in the world is Atlantis?
Well, that all depends upon which theory of Atlantis you believe.
If you think Plato was telling the truth, then Atlantis is located somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
One of the more likely places would be around the Azores Islands. The Azores are a group of islands belonging to Portugal located about 900 miles west of the Portuguese coast. Some people believe the islands to be the mountain tops of the sunken continent of Atlantis.
On the other hand, if you feel that Atlantis was an exaggeration of the historical destruction of Thera and the Minoan empire, then it is to be found in the Aegean. The island of Thera, also known as Santorini, is a volcanic island located north of Crete in the Aegean Sea. Sometime around 1500 BC it was destroyed by a volcanic explosion that may have caused the sudden downfall of the Minoan civilization.
But, if you believe Atlantis was simply a story, then it was only located in the brain of Plato.
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