《汉娜・蒙塔娜》(Hannah Montana)是美国华特迪士尼公司出品的青少年情景喜剧,于2006年3月24日在美国迪士尼频道首播,反应热烈。
故事叙述由麦莉・赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)饰演的一位有着双重身份的女孩麦莉・史都华(Miley Stewart),乍看之下她是一个普通中学生,但另一个身份其实是风靡全美的偶像明星汉娜・蒙塔娜(Hannah Montana)。她一直用一个金色的假发把自己棕色的头发藏起来,所以都没有人认出她的真正身份。知道她秘密的只有爱讲冷笑话的老爸和滑稽搞笑的哥哥杰克森,还有两个要好的朋友――活泼的莉莉和傻里傻气的奥利佛,他们为了要守护麦莉的秘密而笑料百出。
1. when they're cute there are no rules. 帅哥面前就没有规矩了。
2. Playing hard to get. 欲擒故纵吗?
3. Anything in this mall you might be interested in?这个商场里有什么你感兴趣的东西吗?
I’ve got my eye on something. 我已经看上一样了。
4. There’s no reason to be short-tempered. 你用不着这么生气啊。(脾气“短”)
5. See,I may not have the greatest grades, but I only need one thing to get myself through the door. 听着,我的成绩可能并不是太好,但我只需要一样东西就能够进入那个学校的大门。
Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility? 哈里・波特的隐形斗篷?
6. Listen, I really need to keep this line open! 听着,我真的需要这条线保持畅通!
7. What did one wall say to the other? Meet you at the corner!一堵墙会对另外一堵墙说什么?墙角见!
【Meet you at the corner!是朋友相约见面的话语,在这里是杰克森讲的冷笑话。】
8. You know, Lily, you really should write a book. 知道吗,莉莉,你都可以去写书了。
About what? 写什么?
I don’t care as long as you stop talking. 我管你写什么,只要闭嘴就行。
9. Morning,dad. 早上好,爸。
Morning? It’s two in the afternoon. I let you come home from college, because you said you were homesick. And now I’m homesick too. Sick I’m having you home doing nothing.早上?已经下午两点了。我让你从大学里回来只是因为你说想家,现在我也想家了,想你在家居然什么都不做。
10. Oh, come on! I told you guys to stop setting me up! 噢,拜托,我都跟你们说了不要替我安排约会啦!
【set somebody up在此语境中为安排某人相亲、为某人介绍对象的意思】
11. You know what would make me feel a lot better? If you put your face in front of my fist.
12. The hole in my heart is too big to be filled by such a small household appliance. 心灵的伤口是如此巨大,已经无法用这么小的家用电器来弥补了。
How big is the hole? 那个伤口到底有多大呢?
I don’t know. About the size that plasma screen TV over there. 不清楚,大概有那边的等离子彩电那么大吧。
13. Oh my gosh, that totally reminds me of when I kissed ... Nobody. Absolutely nobody. I didn't kiss anyone. 我的天,这让我想起了上次我亲……没有人,什么人都没有, 我没亲过任何人。
I love our relationship. You pretend you don't kiss boys ... and I pretend I believe you.我很喜欢我们之间的关系,你假装自己没亲过男生,我也假装相信你。