一千多年的银杏树,在中国算不上稀奇,但像青檀寺中的银杏树,恐怕算得上中国的一绝,大自然的绝世精品。 一雄一雌的两棵,如今已是密不可分。如不经人指点,不听人讲解,你很难想到,也绝难看出,他们是两棵树的“合二为一”。
大殿后石壁上刻有“还我河山”四个大字,上有岳飞养眼楼。相传宋代民族英雄岳飞因患眼疾曾在此养病,故建 “金界楼”,当地人也称此楼为“岳飞养眼楼”,内塑有岳飞坐像。
Qingtan Temple in Yicheng
Qingtan Temple is located at a narrow valley, 3.5 kilometers to the west of Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City. Constructed during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), this temple is the largest temple in south Shandong. This temple is the first tourist attraction of the Guanshi Pomegranate Scenic Site going from the east to the west and is one of the eight famous scenic sites in the ancient Feng County.
According to a record in the History of Feng County, before the Tang Dynasty, this temple was called the “Yunfeng Temple.” During the Tang Dynasty, wing hackberry was planted all over the valley, hence the temple was renamed Qingtan (Wing Hackberry) Temple. Inside of the temple hall, there were three Buddha statues. In the courtyard, there are two male and female gingko trees, which still bear fruit today. Under the tree there is a spring called Longkuquan, which bubbles clean and sweet water suitable for boiling tea.
Visiting Qingtan Temple, one can admire the thousand-year-old wing hackberry while offering homage to the Buddha. Dozens of wing hackberry in the valley, together with the gingko trees in the temple, make the temple very attractive.