一直以来,以吸血鬼为主角的文学和影视作品长盛不衰。这些恐怖但有着迷人魅力、似人非人的“生物”吸引着无数的读者和观众。随着“暮光之城”(The Twilight Saga)系列首部曲《暮色》(Twilight)中文版的推出,这股吸血鬼热潮更是有增无减。那么,吸血鬼究竟是什么?历史上最广为人知的吸血鬼德拉库拉背后又藏着什么恐怖的真相?请看――
The 1)rugged Transylvanian Alps provide one of the most spectacular landscapes in Europe. Hawks soar around the 2)craggy, snow-covered peaks, while bears and 3)chamois 4)take refuge in the 5)dense forests below. 6)Medieval villages and the ruins of once-proud castles can suddenly 7)materialize through the mist, as if daring outsiders to uncover their secrets.
Transylvania also produced a leader known as a defender of the Christian faith, a Romanian hero, and a subhuman monster. His name was Prince Vlad, but the world knows him by his nickname: Dracula.
The Order of the Dragon
Vlad, or Dracula, was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family. His father was called “Dracul,” meaning “dragon” or “devil” in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon, which fought the Muslim Ottoman Empire.
“Dracula” means “son of Dracul” in Romanian. Therefore, young Vlad was “son of the dragon” or “son of the devil.” Scholars believe this was the beginning of the legend that Dracula was a vampire.
Warrior in Chains
Dracula lived in a time of 8)constant war.
Transylvania was at the 9)frontier of two great empires: the Ottoman Turks and the Austrian 10)Hapsburgs. 11)Treachery and revenge ruled the day, as young Dracula soon discovered.
Dracula was imprisoned, first by the Turks, who 12)hauled him away in chains, and later by the
Hungarians. Dracula’s father was murdered, while his older brother, Mircea, was blinded with red-hot iron stakes and buried alive.
Vlad the Impaler
From 1448 until his death in 1476, Dracula ruled Walachia and Transylvania, both part of Romania today. Twice he lost and reclaimed his throne, once by fighting his own brother, Radu. Although the Vatican once praised him for defending Christianity, it disapproved of his
methods, which soon became 13)infamous.
Dracula earned another nickname, “Vlad Tepes”, which means “Vlad the Impaler.” Dracula’s favorite method of 14)torture was to 15)impale people and leave them to 16)writhe in 17)agony,
often for days. As a warning to others, the bodies would remain on rods as 18)vultures andblackbirds 19)nibbled the 20)rotting flesh.
During one battle, Dracula 21)retreated into nearby mountains, impaling people as he went. The Turkish advance was 22)halted because the 23)sultan could not bear the 24)stench from the 25)decaying 26)corpses.
Another time, Dracula was reported to have eaten a meal on a table set up outside amidst hundreds of impaled victims. On occasion he was also reported to have eaten bread dipped in blood.
Defender of the Faith
At that time, it was believed that religious charity, and a proper burial would erase sin and allow entry to heaven. Dracula surrounded himself with priests and monks and founded five monasteries. Over a period of 150 years, his family established 50 monasteries.
Killed in December 1476 fighting the Turks near Bucharest, Romania, Dracula’s head was cut off and displayed in Constantinople.
The Corpse Disappears
Dracula was buried at the isolated Snagov Monastery near Bucharest, which was also likely used as a prison and torture chamber.
In 1931, archaeologists searching Snagov found a 27)casket partially covered in a purple 28)shroud 29)embroidered with gold. The 30)skeleton inside was covered with pieces of faded silk 31)brocade, similar to a shirt depicted in an old painting of Dracula.
The casket also contained a crown with 32)turquoise stones. A ring, similar to those worn by the Order of the Dragon, was sewn into a shirtsleeve.
The contents were taken to the History Museum in Bucharest but have since disappeared without a trace, leaving the mysteries of the real Prince Dracula unanswered.
弗拉德,亦称德拉库拉, 1431年出生于特兰西瓦尼亚的一个贵族家庭。他的父亲名叫“德拉库”,在罗马尼亚语中意为“龙”或“魔鬼”,因为他是抗击***奥斯曼帝国的龙骑士团的成员。
从1448年至1476年去世为止,德拉库拉统治着瓦拉几亚和特兰西瓦尼亚(如今这两个地方都是罗马尼亚的领土)。他曾两次失去王位,又两次夺回宝座,其中一次是与其亲兄弟拉杜进行争夺的。尽管梵蒂冈一度赞扬他捍卫基督教,但他们反对其做法,他 的残忍手段后来臭名远扬。
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