吉姆·帕森斯因出演大热美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)而大红大紫。他成功塑造了剧中的经典角色谢尔顿·库珀(Sheldon Cooper)——一个集超级怪咖、自恋狂外加强迫症于一身的天才科学家;一个智商超高,然而情商却为零的顶级宅男。如果你还没看过这个极品宅男科学家的故事,那你可就真的out了!谢尔顿在剧中搞怪、无厘头、令人哭笑不得的行为为他赢得了大批观众的喜爱,中国观众们甚至亲切地称他为“谢耳朵”;而吉姆·帕森斯凭借在剧中自成一派的娴熟演技,对谢尔顿的完美诠释更是为他斩获了艾美奖、金球奖等众多奖项。真是人如剧名,吉姆·帕森斯的生活随着《生活大爆炸》一起爆炸了!本期我们就来一探这位“怪咖天才”背后的真实人生。
He’s the 1)geeky star of The Big Bang Theory, one of the most successful comedies on television.
(In TV Series, The Big Bang Theory)
Penny: Whatcha doin?
Sheldon: I’m attempting to view my work as a 2)fleeting 3)peripheral image so as to engage the 4)superior colliculus of my brain.
Obsessive is surely one way to describe Sheldon Cooper...
(In TV Series, The Big Bang Theory)
Sheldon: You know me to be a very smart man. Don’t you think if I were wrong, I’d known it.
...the role that’s made the 38-year-old actor famous. Though Parsons says, in real life, shy was the way to describe him as a child growing up in Houston.
Jim Parsons: My first role ever was in first grade. The Elephant’s Child was the play, and I was the Kolakola Bird.
Interviewer: What is a Kolakola Bird?
Parsons: Hell if I know. For me it was something with wings and yellow tights and a black mask on my head that my mother built. You don’t forget your first experience in 5)pantyhose.
Interviewer: Was there a point that you thought, “I want to be an actor?”
Parsons: Yeah, I had act…I had been in plays though elementary school. I had been in plays through high school, and I had a very 6)torn relationship with it.
(In TV Series, The Big Bang Theory)
Penny: I was wondering if you could maybe teach me a little physics.
Sheldon: A little physics?
It was at one of those casting sessions five years ago that Parsons landed the role of a lifetime—Sheldon, a brilliant, if awkward, physicist.
Parsons: It’s always exciting to me. It’s always a stretch.
Interviewer: Why is it a stretch to play?
Parsons: He’s a genius, which I’m…I’m just not. He’s got…his mind works in these ways that I don’t even have the first way of understanding.
Interviewer: How do you memorize Sheldon’s lines? You look at some of the words that you’re saying, some…
Parsons: They’re terrible!
Interviewer: …speeds out of your mouth…Parsons: They’re terrible!
Interviewer: …It’s amazing!
Parsons: One of these days they’re going to break me, I’m positive, but in the meantime, I’m a big notecard 7)fiend.
(In TV Series, The Big Bang Theory)
Leonard’s Mom: I’ve been meaning to thank you for your notes on my paper disproving 8)quantum brain dynamic theory.
Sheldon: My pleasure! For a non-physicist you have a remarkable grasp of how electric 9)dipoles in the brain’s water 10)molecules could not possibly form of those 11)condensate.
Parsons: Yeah, I have the note…I have a little 12)cue on the first side, and on the next one will be my entire line all written out, and I will pace around my house, and I just…that’s what I do for hours on end. And I’m telling you, it is…it’s like memorizing the symbols on the 13)periodic table.
Interviewer: You have won a Golden Globe, you’ve won an Emmy for your 14)portrayal of Sheldon, you are so wellknown for this character.
Parsons: Yeah.
Interviewer: Is there a danger in that?
Parsons: I’m sure there is. I’m sure there is. And here’s why I don’t worry. I will find a way to work whether it’s back in my mother’s back yard making my sister put on a show with me—although she probably wouldn’t be willing now; she has two kids—anyway, I’m going to keep doing it. In what form I’ll be had in…in whatever project they’ll allow me to work, that’s where I’ll end up being.
Interviewer: Even if it’s your mother’s back yard.
Parsons: That sounds sad, so maybe not that far, but something’ll happen.
For Jim Parsons, it’s safe to say something probably will.
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