Cocktails in ice spheres. Caviar1) made of olive oil. Disappearing transparent raviolis2). Sound cool? Well, these are all examples of Molecular gastronomy. Molecular gastronomy blends physics and chemistry to transform the tastes and textures of food. The result? New and innovative dining experiences. The term molecular gastronomy is commonly used to describe a style of cuisine in which chefs explore culinary3) possibilities by borrowing tools from the science lab and ingredients from the food industry. Formally, the term molecular gastronomy refers to the scientific discipline that studies the physical and chemical processes that occur while cooking. Molecular gastronomy seeks to investigate and explain the chemical reasons behind the transformation of ingredients, as well as the social, artistic, and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena.
Many modern chefs do not accept the term molecular gastronomy to describe their style of cooking and prefer other terms like "modern cuisine", "modernist cuisine", "experimental cuisine", or "avant-garde4) cuisine". Heston Blumenthal from The Fat Duck restaurant says molecular gastronomy makes cuisine sound elitist and inaccessible, as though you need a degree in rocket science5) to enjoy it. In the end, molecular gastronomy or molecular cuisine―or whatever you want to call this cooking style―refers to experimental restaurant cooking driven by the desire of modern cooks to explore the world's wide variety of ingredients, tools, and techniques. Molecular gastronomy research starts in the kitchen where chefs study how food tastes and behaves under different temperatures, pressures, and other scientific conditions.
The possibilities are endless
Molecular gastronomy experiments have resulted in new innovative dishes like hot gelatins6), airs, faux caviar, spherical ravioli, and crab ice cream. Ferran Adria from El Bulli restaurant used alginates7) to create his system of spherification which gelled8) spheres that literally burst in your mouth. Heston Blumenthal discovered the ability of fat to hold flavor and created a dish that had three flavors―basil, olive, and onion―with each taste being perceived in sequence9). The potential of molecular gastronomy is enormous. It is revolutionizing traditional cooking and transforming dining into a surprising emotional and sensory experience.
Is it safe?
When people hear the words molecular gastronomy or molecular cuisine for the first time they often mistakenly view it as unhealthy, synthetic10), chemical, dehumanizing, and unnatural. This is not surprising given that molecular gastronomy often relies on fuming11) flasks12) of liquid nitrogen, led-blinking water baths, syringes13), tabletop distilleries14), PH meters, and shelves of food chemicals with names like carrageenan15), maltodextrin16), and xanthan17). My friend's first reaction when I surprised her with a liquid pea spherical raviolo was to say "Can I eat this? Is this safe? Why don't you try it first?" The truth is that the "chemicals" used in molecular gastronomy are all of biological origin. Even though they have been purified and some of them processed, the raw material origin is usually marine, plant, animal, or microbial. These additives have been approved by EU standards and are used in very, very small amounts. The science lab equipment used just helps modern gastronomy cooks to do simple things like maintaining the temperature of the cooking water constant (water bath), cooling food at extremely low temperatures quickly (liquid nitrogen), or extracting flavor from food (evaporator). There is still some debate out there about the healthiness of molecular gastronomy but I personally believe there are far bigger health issues with the everyday food we consume. In the end, you are not going to be eating liquid pea spheres every day anyway.
Molecular gastronomy should be accessible to everyone
If you are not a professional chef with a fully equipped kitchen you can still enjoy molecular gastronomy at home without spending too much money. Many molecular cuisine recipes don't require special equipment or "chemicals". With as little as $50 you can get some basic molecular gastronomy substances to start making spheres, airs, and gels. Want to cook with liquid nitrogen? That gets a bit more expensive but is a lot of fun. You'll have to spend about $500 and carefully follow some safety procedures.
1. caviar [?k?vi?(r)] n. 鱼子酱
2. ravioli [?r?vi???li] n. 意式小方饺(煮熟后浇番茄酱食用)
3. culinary [?k?l?n?ri] adj. 烹饪的
4. avant-garde: 前卫的
5. rocket science: 高深的事;难以理解的事
6. gelatin [?d?el?t?n] n. 明胶
7. alginate [??ld???ne?t] n. 褐藻酸盐;褐藻胶
8. gel [d?el] v. (使)成凝胶状;胶化
9. in sequence: 依次;逐一
10. synthetic [s?n?θet?k] adj. 合成的
11. fume [fju?m] vt. 烟熏;冒(烟)
12. flask [fl?sk] n. 烧瓶
13. syringe [s??r?nd?] n. 注射器
14. distillery [d??st?l?ri] n. 蒸馏室
15. carrageenan [?k?r?'i?n?n] n. 角叉菜胶
16. maltodextrin [?m?lt?u'dekstrin] n. 麦芽糖糊精
17. xanthan [?z?nθ?n] n. 黄原胶