那么英语有如此多优势为何不才又说它未必可以行天下呢?且听我慢慢道来:如果我们的目的国是英联邦国家,这些国家基本是全民说英语的,我们用英语沟通自然没障碍。然而许多国家都不讲英语的,比如去了泰国就晕了,泰语本身是十分复杂的语言,同样的词,发音还分男女,升降调等。泰国人民的英语基础差,英语口语中带着泰语调就不说了,他们的词汇量还少,我们说的英语,他们很多听不懂的。即使5星级酒店的服务生会的也只是酒店常用的几句话。比如说我们问酒店前台:“Hello, where can we find very traditional or classical Thai massage?”前台的小姐们可以听懂大部分,而关键的traditional or classical他们听不懂。They only catch upthat we want to have a massage, but they don’t know what is traditional. To be easy, we just explain that: “How can we find very good massage?”然后他们恍然大悟的说: “Dai, dai. You go out turn left there is. Not far, 5 minutes.”“Dai, dai”是泰语:“好的、可以”的意思。路过法国的时候,法国人非常傲慢,看不起说英语的,因为他们认为只有法语才是最美丽的语言。更有甚者就是德国人了,许多德国人是听得懂英语的,但是在与不会德语的外国人交流时,他们宁愿不开口,或者干脆用德语回答别人。非常没礼貌!One day , I go to China embassy by a taxi. When I get in the car and say: “XXX road China embassy please!”司机竟然用鄙夷的眼光看了我一眼,什么也没说就开车了。一路无语,当车停在使馆前,我非常不愉快地给了司机钱,然后正要下车,他居然大声用德语训斥我,似乎说我没礼貌,下车没跟他说谢谢。在这样的场合不用懂德语也知道什么意思了。我彻底被激怒了,用更大声回击:“You are very rude and no manners, how come get me to respect you? 神经病!”有什么了不起,你会德语,我还会中文呢,你会么?
To me the Australian is heedful of the harmonization. And they like to use very comfortable words and nice expressions. In Australia you can easily find that people using those euphemistic words quite often: “May I, Shall I, and would you like to, could you please, thanks for that...”他们认为人们相处要礼貌,而且语言要令对方舒服,比较强硬的词语是不可以轻易使用的,故此整个社会也十分和谐!They respect each other and the government take good care of their people. Maybe you don’t know that until now Australian doesn’t have their identification card. They use the driving license or bank card or credit card as their ID card. One day the government propounded to issue ID card to their people. But most of people refused that and they asked:“If we hold the ID card means we are Australian, is that means without the ID card we are no longer Australian? Sorry we don’t need that!”***府认为群众的说法不无道理,这件提议后来再也没有被提起过。可见当***府站在自己的立场提出的方案,因为人民的不赞成而宣告失败,他们认为***府是为了服务人民的,如果这件事情人民不喜欢那么就不要做了。
也常常有人认为正是***府这样的娇惯着人民,却也宠坏了他们。Yes, a part of them are spoiled. If they don’t want to work, they can get the funds from government and spend their beautiful time in a park or casino. If the students don’t want to study, they can spend their child- hood on the street with their roller skates. 结果是大街上的人们形形,有积进派,也有颓废派;有责任心强者,也有盖不负责之人。Until now I still remember how to ask the way in Melbourne. I asked four persons and got four directions. First guy is a young guy who was sitting at the chair of the street. “Excuse me, May I know how to find Collin street?”I walked toward to him and asked. He looked around and pointed to his left side: “Oh, I think that way. You just go that way and ask someone else.”He thinks that way. My god! I better ask another one. “There!”This one was very cool, just point right about that guy. I got confused and hold the map to study that again. Somebody walked scurry, maybe I should ask from the scurry foot passengers. Later I found a lady was holding a little girl and I fast walked to her. Lucky she was going to the same way. She said: “I go that way too, just follow me, please!”您知道么,她给我带的路是正确的,而且和原来两位提供的方向都不一样。看来这多方求证是有其必要性的。也许您会觉得前两位不地道,也许还有点不道德,其实我认为这是他们散漫的生活态度表象之一,并非主观上要愚弄问路人。他原本就是这么认为的,所以就按自己的想法来指给我,至于路线对与不对,他们懒的去考虑的。
The Australian expect natural. They spend a lot on tourism. Many people book the air ticket half year before public holiday. They like to enjoy traveling every where. 除了喜欢自然环境,教育子女也讲究自然。我在街头看见一对父母搀着他们4岁大小的儿子,走到热闹的地段,就放手站在一边,孩子很自然的拿起他的萨克斯演奏起来,人们慢慢地驻足围观。After little boy finished a song, he looked up. Oho, he was wearing a pair of sun glasses. The glasses are black and there were two yellow “$”s on the glasses. That means he needs money. So you may know the result.
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