摘要:目的 采用三种方法对含有大量血红蛋白溶液的样本进行总蛋白量的测定,并进行对比,确定一种可行且简单的测定血红蛋白溶液中总蛋白量的方法。方法 分别采用BCA法、Bradford法和Lowry法测定溶液总蛋白量,并采用HiCN法测定溶液中血红蛋白的含量。比较不同方法测定数据的差异。结果 5份样本用BCA测得总蛋白量为76.33g/L,Bradford法测得值为179.59g/L,Lowry法测得值为22.81g/L,HiCN法测得血红蛋白量为133.65g/L。结论 Bradford法是一种可行且重复性好的测定血红蛋白溶液中总蛋白量的方法,BCA法和Lowry法的测定值明显低于实际值。
关键词 血红蛋白溶液 总蛋白量
The Compsrison of Different Handwork Methods on Measuing the Total Protein Concentration of the Hemoglobin Solution.Cai Ming-cui.The Blood Center of Liangshan,Xichang 615000,Sichuan,China.
【Abstract】Objective Three methods commonly used do determine the protein concentration were taken to measure the total protein of the solution containing stroma-free hemoglobin. And we tried to confirm a feasible way on measuring the total protein concentration through comparison of different methods.Methods The BCA, Bradford and Lowry methods were used to determine the total peotein, and the HiCN method was exploited to measure the level of hemoglobin.Results The average concentration of the total protein of 5 samples was 76.33g/L by BCA,179.59g/L by Bradford, and 22.81g/L by Lowry. The average concentration of hemoglobin by HiCN method was 133.65g/L.Conclusion The Bradford method was feasible and precise to determine the total protein concentration of hemoglobin solution. The results of BCA and Lowry methods were obviously lower than that of Bradford method and even the level of hemoglobin.
【Key words】Hemoglobin solution;Total protein concentraton
1 材料与方法
1.1 血红蛋白溶液样品的制备 新鲜采集的血样按文献[5]方法制备并编号。
1.2 血红蛋白含量测定 对上述制备的5份样本按HiCN[5]测定,并应用MD2型库尔特计数仪检测。
1.3 总蛋白测定 取40ul血红蛋白溶液加入10ml容量瓶中,稀释成1/250浓度,进行下列测定(每份样品均同)。 样品总蛋白量=下述各方法所得蛋白量×稀释倍数(250)
1.3.1BCA法 取4个Eppendorf管,1个为空白对照加入25ul去离子水,另外3个分别加入15ul样品和10ul去离子水。混匀后各加入500ul工作液。室温放置30min,以空白作对照,526nm比色检测。回归曲线:Y=7.619×10-4X。
1.3.2 Bradford法 取4个Eppendorf管,1个为空白对照加入100ul去离子水,另外3个分别加入40ul样品和60ul去离子水。混匀后各加入1ml Bradford染液,室温放置数分钟后,以空白作对照,595nm比色检测。回归曲线:Y=1.707×10-3X。
1.3.3 Lowry法 取4个Eppendorf管,1个为空白对照加入200ul去离子水,另外3个分别加入20ul样品和175ul去离子水。混匀后各加入200ul工作液。室温放置30min,以空白作对照,750nm比色检测。回归曲线:Y=2.2256×10-2X。
1.3.4 统计学处理 采用配对t检验和方差分析。
2 结果
3 讨论
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