Local Tyrant 土豪
Meaning: Local tyrant originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a town or area, with a derogatory sense or negative connotation in Chinese. However, the old term has assumed new meanings, and has become a popular term. It was first extended to the virtual world to describe more people who are willing to spend a huge sum of money on computer games. Later, it was extended to describe the nouveau riche who like to brag about their wealth.
土豪原指在乡里凭借财势横行霸道的坏人,含贬义。近来,它被赋予了新的内容,成为网络上十分流行的一个词汇。最初,网友将这一词汇引入虚拟世界,指的是那些在网络游戏上舍得花大钱的玩家。另外,土豪也有暴发户的意思,指突然发了财、得了势,同时又很喜欢炫耀的人,因此有着更为广泛的应用。有些人把比自己肯花钱的人也都称作土豪。微博上发起“与土豪做朋友”以及“为土豪写诗”等活动,诞生了“土豪,我们做朋友吧!”这一流行语,再次加剧了土豪的走红。“土豪,我们做朋友吧!”代表了一种丝网民对成为有钱人的向往与渴望,也表达了他们对有钱人持有的一种羡慕嫉妒恨的心理。而网络流行语“土豪金”(local tyrant gold)由“土豪”一词衍生而来,用以形容苹果公司新推出的金色版iPhone 5S手机。苹果公司将这种颜色称为“香槟金”(champagne gold),而中国网友则不留情面地称之为“土豪金”,讥讽其炫富的外表。
Local tyrant gold is derived from the term local tyrant, and has become a popular phrase in China.
Lottery Mentality 思维
Meaning: Lottery mentality refers to the desire to obtain money without working for it or the belief that a large sum of money can solve a person’s problems.
“如果我能中500万就好了!”这样的话很多人都应该听过或者说过。遇到困难或钱不够用的时候我们可能都会希望有一笔飞来横财,似乎有了钱一切问题都能迎刃而解。而这样美好的期望好像也只有在类的活动中才能实现,所以,英文里把这种梦想飞来横财、不劳而获的想法叫做思维(lottery mentality)。思维指的是不干活就能拿钱,即不劳而获的想法;或是认为钱能解决所有问题的想法。
The American dream, of working hard and getting ahead, is starting to succumb to that lottery mentality my father saw as hurting the nation’s economy.
Nillionaire 穷光蛋
Meaning: Nillionaire refers to a person who has very little money. The term is a portmanteau of nil and millionaire, where the word nil means zero or nothing.
? I am sick of being a nillionaire.
Spending Fast 限制支出期
Meaning: A spending fast refers to a period in which a person voluntarily spends as little money as possible.
上大学的时候经常会有这样的情形:月初的时候大家花钱都很阔绰,吃饭、逛街、看电影一样都不能少;到了后半月,家里寄来的生活费已经花得差不多了,很多人就开始急剧缩减开支,荤素搭配的三餐可能降级为馒头加咸菜,除了上课以外,其他时间都闷在宿舍……这样的行为在英文里叫做spending fast(限制支出期)。限制支出期指某人自愿将支出减少到最低程度的一段时间。这里之所以会用fast这个词来表示“限制”的意思,是因为fast做名词或动词的时候,指的是(a period of) abstaining from food,即“禁食,斋戒(期)”之意。由此,spending fast就是表示abstaining from spending,即“禁止支出期”或者“限制支出期”的意思。
I never thought a spending fast could be so difficult.
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