All Christians regard Jesus as the son of God. However, Christianity consists of several different denominations. The differences in these denominations are in the way that members practice their beliefs and how they interpret the Bible. The largest denomination is Roman Catholic. In the 16th century large numbers of Christians ①broke with the Roman Catholic Church and formed their own denominations. These groups are known as Protestants (the word literally means 'protesters'). There are also several denominations in the East that come under Eastern Orthodox Christians. The following are some of the main denominations in the West:
1. Roman Catholic - The Roman Catholic Church has a history of almost 2000 years and currently has one billion members, making it the largest and oldest religious institution in the world. Roman Catholics accept the Pope as their spiritual leader and believe that he is the latest successor in an uninterrupted line of Popes that goes back to Peter, the chief of the Apostles. The Roman Catholic Church regards itself as the original Church of Christ.
2. Anglican - Anglicans are found worldwide and worship in national churches which generally follow the teachings of the Church of England. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the Anglican Church but, unlike the Pope, is only a symbolic leader with no authority outside of England.
3. Presbyterian - The set up of the Presbyterian Church is very complex and difficult to define. This denomination has its origins in Calvinism. Elders sitting as a 'Kirk session' are responsible for the discipline of the Church. Presbyterians are known for their belief in simplicity, such as singing without the accompaniment of musical instruments.
4. Baptists - Baptists have no central governing authority so their beliefs may differ slightly from place to place. All Baptists believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority, that local churches should be autonomous and in the separation of Church and State. There are 43 million Baptists worldwide with 33 million in the US alone.
Christianity in Modern Society
In the 20th century Christianity (and other religions) underwent dramatic changes in the West. In Europe, there has been a massive decline in the popularity of religion. This is reflected in the fast diminishing recruitment for priesthood as well as rapidly decreasing church attendances. This phenomenon is a result of an increased sense of disillusionment in Europe after the Second World War and the influence of scientific teachings, Socialism and Humanism. Abhorrence at the fanatical behaviour and corrupt nature of some religious organisations is also to blame. This decline is apparently ②in parallel with an increase in prosperity and social well-being.
Many Europeans have not forsaken religion totally but have chosen to avoid contact with organised religion. Some seek spiritual enlightenment in Eastern religions while many could be described as agnostic. How many Europeans fall under this category and how many are atheists is impossible to calculate. Either way, Europe has become a very secular society in the last sixty years.
During the same period, Christianity has been growing stronger in the US, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, there has been an increase in Fundamentalism in the US. Fundamentalists hold the Bible as infallible, historically accurate, and decisive in all issues. In recent years, there has been much controversy about the influence of fundamentalist Christians on American politics.
All denominations of Christianity have ceremonies and rituals although some, such as Roman Catholics, put more importance on them than others. These ceremonies are often similar to each other but some are unique to particular denominations. These rituals are called 'sacraments' and are supposed to be a means by which believers receive divine grace. For Protestants, the sacraments are merely symbolic gestures, whereas Catholics believe that by performing these rites they actually receive divine grace.
1. Baptism
Baptism is a water purification ritual practiced by all Christians. Depending on the denomination, the member is immersed in water or has it sprinkled or poured on their head. This symbolizes the washing away of original sin and the formal entry of the member into the Church or a public avowal of their acceptance of the faith. For some denominations this ritual is performed shortly after birth. In the case of Roman Catholics, the parents of the child will select a godfather and a godmother and this will be announced at the ceremony. Many Protestant denominations perform baptism at a later age, when the member can decide for themselves to accept the teachings of Christ. In this case, the member is deemed to be 'born again'.
2. The Eucharist
The Eucharist, commonly referred to as Holy Communion, involves eating bread and drinking wine as a commemoration of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, and a means by which believers can unite with God. Catholics believe that, through a mysterious process, the bread and wine has actually become the flesh and blood of Christ. By consuming it, they are welcoming Christ into them. The bread and wine, after being blessed, is stored in a container called a 'tabernacle' and anyone who enters its presence will genuflect. When receiving the Eucharist the priest will say 'the body of Christ', to which the receiver will reply, 'amen'. Protestants reject the idea that the bread and wine can be transformed into Christ's body and blood. They believe only in the symbolism of the act. In many denominations, the first time a person will receive communion will be as a child and this event will be celebrated with a party.
3. Confession
Admitting one's sins and asking God for forgiveness is central to the faith. For most Protestants, this can be done in private; the believer can communicate directly with God. Catholics believe that an intermediate is required to communicate with God and they will confess their sins to a priest in a ceremony which has not changed in format for several centuries. The priest ③is bound to confidentiality, and under the rules of the Roman Catholic Church may not divulge what he has heard even to save his own life or the lives of others. Any priest who breaks this rule will be excommunicated.
4. Confirmation
At some point in their life, Christians will reconfirm their faith in public. This ceremony is known as confirmation and is usually carried out during adolescence. The idea is that the believer was baptized as a child and is now old enough to understand the scriptures and should confirm that they do indeed believe in their religion. In most cases the believer will have a witness. This will usually be a relative who has already been confirmed. The witness will stand behind the person being confirmed.
1. 罗马天主教徒――罗马天主教教会拥有近2000年的历史,目前的信徒达10亿人,这就使其成为了全球最大、最古老的宗教机构。罗马天主教徒将现任教皇认作其精神领袖,并且相信他就是教皇传承体系中的最新继任者,而这一体系的发始者便是使徒之首――彼得。罗马天主教教会将自己视为了正宗的基督教会。
2. 英国圣公会教徒――英国圣公会教徒遍布世界各地,并且是在普遍遵循着英格兰教会教义的各国教会来做礼拜。坎特伯雷大主教虽然是英国圣公会的领袖,但与教皇不同,仅仅是一名象征性领袖,在英格兰之外没有任何职权。
3. 长老会教徒――长老会的构成极为复杂,难以明晰。这一教派源自加尔文教。教会的戒律由主持“教会会议”的长老来负责。长老会教徒以其崇尚简朴而闻名,例如唱诗时就不用乐器来伴奏。
4. 浸信会教徒――浸信会教徒没有核心的管理权威,所以他们的信仰会因地域差异而稍显不同。所有浸信会教徒都认为《圣经》才具有最高权威,地方教会应该自治,***教要分离。全世界有4300万浸信会教徒,而仅在美国就有3300万。
denomination /di,n4mi`neiH9n/ n.教派
Roman Catholic罗马天主教
Protestant /`pr4tist9nt/ n.新教徒
Eastern Orthodox 东正教
Pope /p9up/ n.罗马教皇
successor /s9k`ses9/ n.继承者;接任者
Apostle /9`p4sl/ n.使徒(指耶稣十二使徒)
Anglican /`2MGlik9n/ n.(英国)圣公会
worship /`w8Hip/ v.做礼拜
teaching /`t1tHiM/ n.(宗)教义
Archbishop /`3tH`biH9p/ n.(宗)大主教
Presbyterian /,prezbi`ti9ri9n/ n.长老会
baptist /`b2ptist/ n.浸信会
autonomous /5`t4n9m9s/ adj.自治的
undergo /,7nd9`G9u/ vt.经历
recruitment /ri`kr6tm9nt/ n.补充
priesthood /pr1sthud/ n.神职人员
disillusionment /,disi`l(E9nm9nt/ n.醒悟;幻灭
abhorrence /9b`h4r9ns/ n.痛恨;憎恶
fanatical /f9`n2tik9l/ adj.狂热的
well-being /`welb1iM/ adj.福利
forsake /f9`seik/ vt.放弃;抛弃
enlightenment /in`laitnm9nt/ n.启迪;教化
agnostic /2G`n4stik/ n.不可知论者
atheist /`eiFiist/ n.无神论者
secular / `sekjul9/ adj.世俗的
fundamentalism /f7nd9`ment9liz(9)m/ n.原教旨主义
infallible /in`f2l9bl/ adj.没有错误的;确实可靠的
sacrament /`s2kr9m9nt/ n.圣事;圣礼
grace /Greis/ n.恩赐
rite /rait/ n.仪式;典礼
baptism /`b2ptiz9m/ n.洗礼
avowal /9`vau9l/ n.声明
Eucharist /`(k9rist/ n.(宗)圣餐
crucifixion /,krusi`fikH9n/ n.耶稣受难在十字架上
resurrection /,rez9`rekH9n/ n.复活
tabernacle /`t2b9(:) n2kl/ n.圣龛
genuflect /`_enju(:)flekt/ v.(宗教仪式中)屈膝礼
confession /k9n`feH9n/ n.忏悔
intermediate /,int9`m1dj9t/ n.媒介
confidentiality /k4fi,denHi`2liti/ n.机密性
divulge /dai`v7l_/ vt.泄露
excommunicate /,eksk9`m(nikeit/ vt.逐出教会
confirmation /,k4nf9`meiH9n/ n.坚信礼
baptize /b2p`taiz/ vt.给人施洗礼
scripture /`skriptH9/ n.经文
① break with与……绝交
② in parallel with与……同时
③ be bound to一定要……