在历届的奥斯卡获奖名单中,不太受重视的最佳编剧和最佳改编剧本奖往往由一些或深刻或特别的影片获得。第84届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖的得主《后裔》(The Descendants)就是这样一部特别的影片。影片颇为笼统的名称让人有点不知所云,其实观众也只有看完了这部影片才能慢慢体味这个词的深刻内涵。
Matt: My friends on the mainland think just because I live in Hawaii, I live in paradise, like a permanent vacation. We’re all just out here sipping mai tais (鸡尾酒的一种), shaking our hips, and catching waves. Are they insane? Do they think we’re immune to life? How can they possibly think our families are less screwed up (弄糟的), our cancers less fatal, and our heartaches less painful? Hell, I haven’t been on a surfboard in 15 years. For the last 23 days I’ve been living in a paradise of IVs (静脉注射) and urine bags (尿袋) and tracheal tubes (导气管). Paradise?
Matt: What’s the matter with you, showing those pictures of mom for your art project?
Scottie: I’m a photographer, Dad, a real photographer.
Matt: No, you’re not. You’re overdoing it.
Scottie: I saw it in a book. Some famous photographer lady took pictures of her mom in the hospital while she was dying, and they’re considered art. That’s what I’m doing.
Matt: First of all, your mother is very sick, but she isn’t dying. And second of all, we don’t share personal stuff with strangers. What’s going on with your mom is private.
Woman: Luck with the sale. They say your decision (指Matt对夏威夷处女地的处理决定) will have a major impact on Hawaii’s real-estate world, not to mention the whole landscape of Kauai (夏威夷的考艾岛). Hundreds of millions of dollars, yeah?
Matt: Yeah. It’s a big decision.
Woman: My husband’s family is from Kauai, Hanapepe, born and bred (在……出生与长大). They hope you don’t sell.
Matt: As if Liz’s (Liz即Elizabeth) coma weren’t enough already the whole goddamn state is following my decision on who’s gonna buy 25,000 pristine (原始状态的) acres on Kauai that my family has owned since the 1860s. A lot of my cousins are broke, and the sale will make us all very, very rich. My family meets in six days to approve a buyer. But ever since my father died, I’m the sole trustee which means I alone hold all the cards.
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