关键词:乡愁 选词 意象 韵律 风格
美国诗人Robert Frost有一句名言:Poetry is what is lost in translation(诗者,译之所失也),不管这句话是多么极端,它还是道出了诗歌翻译的难处。中文诗歌更因其语言凝练、节奏性强、意象丰富而成为翻译的通天塔。尽管艰难,还是有很多热衷于翻译的文学家努力探索,试***将中诗这一璀璨明珠送出国门。众所周知,所有翻译的前奏都是理解,而诗歌的理解更需多揣摩推敲、审词琢句,以期磨刀不负砍柴工,因为理解的深度和广度都会为后面的译作再现产生差异。本文将以台湾余光中先生脍炙人口的作品《乡愁》的5个不同译本为例来分析和品评不同译本的差异。
When I was a child/my homesick was a small stamp/ Linking Mum at the other end /And me this.
When I grew up/I remained homesick/but it became a ticket/by which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.
Then/homesickness took the shape of the grave/Mum inside of it/and me outside.
Now I'm still homesick/but it is a narrow strait/ Separating me on this side/and the mainland on the other.
When I was a child/Nostalgia seemed a small stamp/:“Here am I/ and there my mother.”
Then I was a grown-up/Nostalgia became a traveling ticket/:“Here am I/and there my bride.”
During the later years/Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard/:“Here am I/and yonder my mother.”
And now at present/Nostalgia looms large to be a channel/:“Here am I/and yonder my Continent!”
As a boy /I was homesick for a tiny stamp/ I was here/Mom lived alone over there.
When grown up/I was homesick for a small ship ticket/ I was here/ My bride remained over there.
Later on/ I was homesick for a little tomb/ I was there/ Mother rested over there.
And to-day/ I am homesick for a shallow strait/ I am here/ The Mainland lies over there.
When I was a child/ Nostalgia is a tiny stamp/I am hither/And Mother is thither
When I become an adult/Nostalgia is a slip of boat ticket/I am hither/And bride is thither
Later on/Nostalgia is a short tomb/I am without/And Mother is within
But now/Nostalgia is a shallow strait/I am hither/And the mainland is thither
When I was young/Nostalgia was a tiny stamp/Me on this side/Mother was on the other side.
When I grew up/Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket/Me on this side/Bride on the other side.
But later on/Nostalgia was a low,lowgrave/Me on the outside/Mother on the inside.
And at present/Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait/Me on this side/Mainland on the other side.
“乡愁”的翻译,有两个译本译为“homesick”,其余两个版本为“nostalgia”。根据Longman English Dictionary, homesick――feeling unhappy because you are a long way from your home,而nostalgia――a feeling that a time in the past was good, or the activity of remembering a good time in the past and wishing that things had not changed.对比我们会发现,nostalgia比homesick范围更广,意思更贴近原文,原文中作者不仅仅是在抒发一种思念家乡的惆怅之前,还有对过去美好的追忆。因此用nostalgia更为准确。
四个意象中邮票都翻译为stamp,船票也都译为ticket,而坟墓的表达,有两个译为grave,两个译为graveyard,一个翻译为tomb,这三个词到底有什么区别呢?《辞海》中grave指一般的“土墓”;tomb可译为“陵墓”,是坟墓的雅称,tomb表示“坟墓”时,比grave更庄重,在说“扫墓”时,多用tomb;而graveyard指墓地,故不合适。海峡一次有用“strait”和“channel”之分,根据《韦氏词典》channel指a strait or narrow sea between two close landmasses;而strait则指a comparatively narrow passageway connecting two large bodies of water,可以看出channel强调长而宽,strait强调短而窄,因此此处用strait更贴切,再者原诗中此处指台湾海峡,***正式说法就是使用strait。
原诗使用“小小的”“窄窄的”“矮矮的”“浅浅的”这些叠词既表现了作者魂牵梦萦的思乡之情,又有抑扬顿挫的韵律之美,读起来琅琅上口。以下是5篇译文的对映英译本,不难看出译文1、2是只翻译其中个别的重叠形容词,大部分却漏译了,而力求保留与原诗具有同样音韵之美的是译文3、4和5,这些形容词使用得恰到好处,与所修饰的中心词构成头韵(tiny stamp, small ticket, narrow boat ticket, little tomb, short tomb, low low grave, shallow strait),译文5音律美尤为突出,除了头韵,还有尾韵(narrow, low, shallow),从而具有与原诗一样的动人音调。
此外,原诗每行四节,每节三个音节,语言简明流畅,音韵自然和谐,节奏紧凑明了。译文3译为 As a boy/ When grow up/ Later on /And to-day每行四节,每行三个音节,抑扬顿挫,创造性地取得与原诗同样的效果。
原诗的意象是通过隐喻“乡愁是……”的结构表达出来的,“是”字在原诗中反复出现达四次,作者通过一个简单的“是”字,将本体和喻体连接起来,隐晦朦胧地将自己不同时期的乡愁具体化,除译文3译成“be homesickfor”句式外,其余文本分别译为was, remained, took, is; seemed, became, turned to be, loomed large to be; is, is, is, is,和was, was, was, becomes,含蓄巧妙地传达了诗人寸断柔肠的思乡情结。但译文3译为 I was homesickfor(a tiny stamp/a small ship ticket/a little tomb/a shallow strait),回译出来的是“我怀念家乡的小小邮票/窄窄的船票/矮矮的坟墓/浅浅的海峡”,显然与原诗有出入。
“我在这头……在那头(里头)”在原诗中也是反复出现了四次,这个短语的反复使用突出了虽然时空变化、星移斗转,但是我的思乡之情却始终如一。5篇译作用词略有不同,总体来说有“the other end (side),this end,inside,outside,here,there,yonder,without,within,hither,thither,这些词简练含蓄地传达了原诗朴实无华的语言特色和深远幽邃的寓意,但从语体角度来看,译文4采用的是古词(hither,thither),不太符合原诗的语体。
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